Claude Levi-Strauss: The Poet in the Laboratory
    Potière jalouse, La ( The Jealous Potter ) (Lévi-Strauss)
    Pouillon, Jean
    pre-Columbian artifacts
    see also Pacific Northwest Coast
    Primitive Peoples of Mato Grosso, Brazil (Petrullo)
    Primitive Society (Lowie)
    Prix Claude Levi-Strauss
    Prix Goncourt
    Propp, Vladimir
    Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
    Proust, Marcel
    shamanic cures vs.
    totemism and
    Pueblo Indians
    Puerto Rico

    Quain, Buell
    health concerns of
    suicide of

    Race et histoire (Lévi-Strauss)
    Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred
    Radiodiffusion-Télévision française (RTF)
    Redfield, Robert
    reflexive ethnography
    Regard éloigné, Le ( The View from Afar ) (Lévi-Strauss)
    Regarder, écouter, lire ( Look, Listen, Read ) (Lévi-Strauss)
    Religious Life of Primitives seminars
    Revault d’Allonnes, Olivier
    Revel, Jean-François
    Ricoeur, Paul
    Rio de Janeiro
    CLS’s first impressions of
    France Antarctique colony in
    Guanabara Bay of
    Museu Nacional
    Quain in
    Rivers, William
    Rivet, Paul
    Rivière, Georges-Henri
    Robbe-Grillet, Alain
    Rockefeller Foundation
    Rodinson, Maxime
    Romains, Jules
    Rondon, Cândido
    telegraph line constructed by
    Rondon Commission
    Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
    Roosevelt, Theodore
    Roquette-Pinto, Edgar
    Ross, Alex
    Rothko, Mark
    Rouch, Jean
    Rougemont, Denis de
    Roupnel, Gaston
    Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
    Roy, Claude

    Sahlins, Marshall
    Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
    Saint-Simon, Comte de
    São Paulo
    CLS’s description of
    CLS’s photographs of
    CLS’s residence in
    Culture Department of
    industrialization of
    sociological analysis of
    São Paulo, University of
    CLS’s sociology course at
    French mission’s elitist attitude at
    Sapir, Edward
    Sarkozy, Nicolas
    Sarney, José
    “Sarrasine” (Balzac)
    Sartre, Jean-Paul
    CLS’s attacks on
    1968 student protests and
    outré lifestyle of
    Saudades do Brasil
    Saudades de São Paulo
    Saussure, Ferdinand de
    Saussure, Raymond de
    Schaeffner, André
    Sebag, Lucien
    Section française de l’Internationale ouvrière (SFIO)
    Segalen, Victor
    Seghers, Anna
    Seligmann, Kurt
    Serge, Victor
    “Serpent with Fish inside His Body, The” (Lévi-Strauss)
    Seyrig, Henri
    childbirth incantation of
    rebirthing ritual of
    Shannon, Claude
    Silz, René
    Smadja, Henri
    smell, sense of
    Société de géographie
    Société des Américanistes
    Soleil Hopi (Talayesva)
    Sontag, Susan
    “Sorcerer and His Magic, The” (Lévi-Strauss)
    Sorman, Guy
    Sousa Dantas, Luís de
    Soustelle, Jacques
    Soviet Union
    Speer, Albert
    Spencer, Baldwin
    Sperber, Dan
    “Split Representation in the Art of Asia and America” (Lévi-Strauss)
    Staden, Hans
    Steiner, George
    Steward, Julian
    Stiealin, Henri
    Stockhausen, Karlheinz
    Strauss, Isaac
    Strauss, Léa
    Stravinsky, Igor
    Buddhism and
    and CLS’s dandelion structure revelation
    communism and
    critics of
    as formalism
    history and
    humanities as moving toward
    of human mind
    influence of
    Japan and
    method of
    modernism and
    1968 student protest movement and
    orchestral score as metaphor of
    in Pensée sauvage
    philosophical basis of
    serialism vs.
    splice technique and
    subjectivity vs.
    in Totémisme aujourd’ hui

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