Claude Levi-Strauss: The Poet in the Laboratory
    reality vs. analytical subtext in thinking of
    at Sorbonne
    teaching career of
    Lévi-Strauss, Dina Dreyfus
    ethnography course taught by
    eye infection contracted by
    fieldwork of
    fieldwork techniques taught by
    in French Resistance
    marital relationship of
    marital separation of
    in São Paulo
    teaching career of
    wedding of
    Lévi-Strauss, Emma Lévy Lévi-Strauss, Laurent
    Lévi-Strauss, Matthieu
    Lévi-Strauss, Monique Roman
    Lévi-Strauss, Raymond
    abandoned silk farm purchased by
    bourgeois lifestyle of
    CLS painted by
    death of
    Exposition coloniale Madagascan pavilion decorated by
    financial problems of
    modernism as ruinous to
    at São Paulo
    in World War II,
    Lévi Strauss, Rose-Marie Ullmo
    Lévy, Rabbi
    Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien
    Lewisohn, Ludwig
    Lewitzsky, Anatole
    anthropology and
    sound analysis in
    see also structural linguistics
    Linton, Ralph
    Lipkind, William
    Livingstone, David
    Loewenstein, Rudolph
    logical positivism
    Lomax, John
    Lourau, René
    Lowie, Robert

    Mac Orlan, Pierre
    Maheu, René
    Malaurie, Jean
    Malinowski, Bronislaw
    CLS’s tribute to
    functionalist approach of
    Mallarmé, Stéphane
    Manifesto antropófago ( Cannibalist Manifesto ) (Andrade)
    tattoos of
    Maranda, Pierre
    Margueritte, Victor
    Maritain, Jacques
    Marx, Karl
    masks sxwaixwe
    Massey Lectures
    Masson, André
    matrilineal societies
    Matta, Roberto
    Maugüé, Jean
    Mauss, Marcel
    CLS’s portrayal of
    fieldwork seminars of
    material culture emphasized by
    reciprocity thesis of
    “total social fact” idea of
    in World War II,
    Maybury-Lewis, David
    Mead, Margaret
    Meillassoux, Claude
    Méliès, Georges
    Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
    Merquior, José Guilherme
    Mesquita, Júlio
    Messiaen, Olivier
    Metastasis (Xenakis)
    Métraux, Alfred
    CLS’s relationship with
    suicide of
    Metz, Christian
    French exiles in
    Gualupita terra-cotta figurines of
    Meyerhof, Otto
    Micheau, Jeanine
    Milhaud, Darius
    Milliet, Sérgio
    mind, human
    native’s murders of
    Mitterrand, François
    modern art
    CLS’s criticism of
    of avant-garde fiction
    in history
    in music
    in visual arts
    Monbeig, Pierre
    Monnet, Georges
    Monod, Jacques
    Montaigne, Michel Eyquem, Seigneur de
    Morgan, Lewis Henry
    Morphology of the Folktale (Propp)
    Motherwell, Robert
    Mounier, Emmanuel
    Murphy, Robert
    Musée de l’ethnographie
    Exposition coloniale at
    Exposition du Sahara at
    Musée de l’Homme
    CLS’s indigenous artifacts collection at
    Indiens du Matto Grosso exhibition at
    1937 Exposition internationale des arts et techniques dans la vie moderne at
    Musée national d’Histoire naturelle
    of Bororo
    modernism in
    of Nambikwara
    orchestral, as metaphor
    of Tupi-Kawahib
    Mythologiques quartet (Lévi-Strauss)
    as authorless
    CLS’s mathematical formula (“genetic law”) of
    clusters of
    convergence of
    culture variations of
    fairy tales and
    inversion in
    jaguar’s wife as element in
    language and
    in modern films
    modern novel and
    oppositions in
    psychoanalysis and
    scatological material in

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