Codename Spring

Codename Spring by Aubrey Ross Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Codename Spring by Aubrey Ross Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Ross
Tags: Romance
smiled. She obviously didn’t trust him yet. And he couldn’t really blame her. Overly trusting people didn’t last long on Gathosian-inhabited worlds. “I know about Saroji’s abilities. Healers are common among the Pryett.”
    Her gaze narrowed on his face and her legs relaxed, easing away from her chest. “Do you know her personally or just by reputation?”
    “Mainly by reputation. I hear about her brother more often than I do about Saroji. Is the general really as ferocious as they say?”
    “He can be.” She tucked her hair behind her ear, looking anywhere but at him.
    The hints of emotion he’d been sensing from her suddenly pinched off. It felt as if she’d slammed a door in his face. The response was unexpected and troubling. He’d been attempting to lighten her mood with his question. Why would the mention of Ra’jen Noirte send her scurrying behind her barricade?
    “Have you experienced his ferocity firsthand?” He grasped her ankle and dragged her closer. She yelped and released her knees to slap at his hand. Her legs unfolded and he quickly took advantage of her strategic misstep. In an instant he had her directly in front of him, legs wrapped around his waist. “Has he ever been inside you?” Jealousy, cold and consuming, twisted through Evard. Jocelyn was his! If Noirte hurt her…
    “No,” she cried, shoving against his chest.
    His jealousy shifted focus as other possibilities unfurled. “But you wanted him?”
    She averted her gaze and said nothing. Determination eroded his anger. If she was pining away from Noirte, there was only one way to combat her obsession. He’d overwhelm her with pleasure, make her so wild with desire that she could think of nothing and no one but him. “I’ve heard about his effect on women. Did you—”
    “It’s none of your damn business!”
    He pressed her against his chest and inhaled her scent. He needed her again, needed to hear his name whispered on her lips as her cunt rippled around his cock. But more than simple lust, he needed her to want him. He would never be satisfied with a female who closed her eyes and thought of someone else. “How did you meet? Was Noirte the one who assigned you to the medical center as opposed to a work camp?”
    “We don’t have time for this.” She leaned back and glared at him. “Wouldn’t you rather plan your escape than hear about my past?”
    “I’m very close to losing control. I used the explosive surge of our initial joining to draw you into my mind. I’m not sure I can do it again.”
    “Which means we need to talk now.” Her tone was soft, almost condescending.
    “I can’t think. I need…” He reached between them and gently stroked her slick folds. So soft and wet from their passion. She tensed then sighed as he stroked her, building a fresh cycle of arousal. “Touch me.” He hadn’t meant to command her but the words sounded hoarse and urgent. She followed his lead, touching him as he touched her. But it wasn’t enough. He had to be inside her, had to possess her. “Put me in.” Another unintentional command.
    After a short pause, she scooted closer and angled his cock toward her entrance. Her warm folds surrounded and welcomed him.
    He let out a ragged breath and pulled her hips forward until she sheathed his entire length. “Distract me. Help me think about anything other than fucking you.”
    Her thighs tensed against his sides and her inner muscles contracted. Then she stilled, nipples lightly brushing his chest as she moved her hands to his shoulders. “I was running with a group of female survivors. We were doing everything we could to keep out of sight. We’d heard stories of rape gangs and breeding pens. God, so many people had died in the pandemics. All those bodies. All those children.” She shuddered and tears gathered behind her lashes.
    Gathosian strategy never changed. They abolished the weak and useless then enslaved the able-bodied while they were reeling from the

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