Cosmic Bounty

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Book: Cosmic Bounty by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
felt so sated and strangely content. Little electronic beeping noises made her aware she was not alone in the room.
    Her body felt clean and the bed she lay on also smelled fresh, free of the musky smell of sex. They had obviously taken care of her. She cracked her eye open to find the cabin lights dimmed. Rolling over, she glanced about the quarters.
    Across the room sat one of the brothers, studying some kind of three-dimensional chart, which was hovering above the table. She watched, fascinated, while he used his hand to manipulate the image, turning things over and removing a few things, before speaking softly to the computer to add something.
    Kat sat up and stretched, bringing the brother’s attention to her.
    “Hello, little pet.”
    Kat grit her teeth. " Hul , you know I don’t like being called that.”
    “Yes, I have been informed,” he said simply and went back to his chart. Clearly, he was not going to stop calling her pet anytime soon.
    The rumbling of her stomach quickly put a stop to the retort on the tip of her tongue.
    Hul switched off his chart and ordered brighter lights in the quarters.
    “ Ric thought you would enjoy the comfort of your own clothing.” Hul nodded to the end of the large bed, where some clothes from her suitcase lay. One of her light, floral summer dresses rested on top.
    “Although, I would prefer to keep you as you are.” His full lip lifted at the corners of his mouth.
    So sexy, he smiled at her like that.
    She glanced under the deep plum red sheet which covered her, not surprised to find herself naked.
    She sighed, ignoring Hul’s amused gaze, and clung tightly to the sheet at her breast, reaching down to snatch up her yellow, floral print dress. She let the sheet fall to tug the dress over her head.
    “Is modesty a common thing on your planet?” Hul asked from the other side of the room. He’d opened a microwave-sized panel in the wall.
    “Yes, it is.”
    “I guess we shall have to cure you of that, sooner or later.”
    Kat frowned, wondering what else they planned to do with her.
    Hul spoke to the open wall panel. She blinked, stunned as the machine hummed and a tray of food with a cup appeared in a shimmering mist.
    “What is that?” She crawled forward on the bed, groaning at her ache in her protesting muscles. She was sorer than she’d first realized.
    “A food modulator. You tell it what you want to eat and it transforms the molecules into edible foods,” he explained, carrying the tray over to the table he’d sat at before.
    “Bet that cuts down on cooking.”
    “We still prepare meals on Galafrax . Modulators make long distance space travel easier.” His golden eyes roamed over her body from head to toe.
    “Were we too rough on you last eve, little pet?” The tender concern on his face surprised her.
    Memories of what they had done to her came flooding into her brain, making her cheeks heat.
    “I wouldn’t say too rough. It’s been a long time since I had sex and you four aren’t exactly small in size, compared to human men that is.” She slipped her legs over the end of the bed, her feet dangling. Every piece of furniture around here was built to accommodate a taller height. She felt tiny and petite in comparison.
    Hul still wore the same black and red lined uniform, thick boots on his feet, tight fitting trousers with loops and hoops, no doubt to strap weapons to. His top vest displayed his symphony of bulging red shoulder muscles. A series of red straps along the sides and under his arms held the two pieces of the vest together.
    She sighed, knowing how good his toned, hard body felt pressed against her soft skin, how wonderful it was to run her hands over his muscles.
    Ahhh , heck, one round of foursome-out-of-this-universe-sex, and they had managed to turn her into a horny twit!
    Hul turned, moved along the wall and waved his hand. Kat realized the whole bulkhead was one large storage area.
    He opened another panel and fetched a long, silver,

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