Cosmic Bounty

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Book: Cosmic Bounty by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
cylindrical instrument. He then held out his hand to her. “Come.” He commanded firmly, in a tone holding no sway to argue.
    She hesitated, still uncertain of this brother, but pushed the doubt to the back of her mind. She placed her feet on the cool metal floor and immediately felt the vibrations of the ship skating up her legs, through her body.
    She walked across the quarters and placed her pale, trembling hand in his deep red one.
    Hul’s hand closed over hers. He tugged her over to the chair. She gasped when he lifted her, setting her on the seat, her legs dangling a few inches off the floor. Hul knelt in front of her, pushing up her the hem of her sundress. She tensed, watching him, unsure of his intent.
    “Relax,” he said in a low, husky tone. “This will make you feel better.”
    He bunched only one side of her dress over her hip before pressing the device to her skin. It hissed and she felt a slight tingle, which spread throughout her side.
    A few seconds later, the discomfort she felt eased before vanishing altogether. He lowered her skirt taking her hands and placing her back on her feet. She stretched and felt good. He must have seen the question in her eyes.
    “It’s a pain inhibitor,” he explained.
    “Oh, um, thank you.”
    He rose to his feet, before bending down to capture her lips in a surprisingly tender kiss. Kat leaned into him, moaning softly, feeling the kiss quickly turn more heated. His tongue demanded entrance past her lips, and she willingly opened. He explored, tasted and teased, leaving her gasping for breath when he finally pulled back.
    As her passion-filled cloud cleared, Kat came to realize the steady hum of the floor no longer whispered against her toes. He suddenly settled back into the chair she had been sitting on a moment before, with her on his lap. Just like Ric did before.
    She drew in a deep breath and blinked to help clear her heated and muddled thoughts. Hul reached around her and picked up something resembling a green sausage, lifting it to her lips.
    “Eat now.”
    “I can feed myself, you know,” she ground out, folding her arms in front of her. Her body quickly sobered, annoyance setting in.
    He must have picked up on her defensive state. “Does it offend you I want to feed you?”
    “Depends on why you want to feed me,” she countered.
    “It brings me pleasure to see you eat from my hand. Is that not reason enough?”
    “No, not if I am only thought of as a simple pet to feed.”
    “Are you going to argue about everything I choose to do?”
    “Yes, if it gets my point across.” She tried to climb off his lap, but he dropped the green sausage and pinned her in place. She felt his hot breath on the back of her neck.
    “Are Demos women meek and submissive?” Kat couldn’t help but ask.
    “No, far from it. We have to fight and prove ourselves worthy to even attempt a mounting.”
    His statement stunned Kat into momentary silence, and her brain raced.
    “Oh, should I have fought you?” Not that Kat wanted to, when her only weapon at her disposal was her sharp tongue.
    “No. We were not trying to sway you into being our sheraz . We enjoy that you are easy to accept us and easy to please.”
    “So, is that what I am, an easy, accepting pet,” she snapped.
    The vibrations of Hul’s low growl of disapproval only proved to spark her body to life. Her skin prickled with sensual goose bumps and her pussy flooded with cream. Yup, most definitely a horny twit. Damn it!
    Hul picked up the sausage thing again. “Eat,” he barked in an uncompromising, commanding tone.
    Something in Kat’s brain clicked. Without thought, she leaned forward and took a bite, chewed and swallowed. She gasped, and then started coughing and choking, waving her arms wildly, when the horrible sausage set her mouth and throat on fire.
    Tears filled her eyes. “Water,” she gasped in a blind panic.
    A cup rim pressed against her lips; she seized it, gulping down soothing, fresh

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