Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty by Judy Baer Read Free Book Online

Book: Sleeping Beauty by Judy Baer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Judy Baer
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Religious, Christian
spaces. What makes it all worse is that they, unlike spider monkeys, are also gifted with opposable thumbs. Like the spider monkeys that rarely come down from the treetops in the rainforest, the Terror Twins prefer to live in the rarified atmosphere over the tops of large pieces of furniture, refrigerators, tree houses and bunk beds.
    Mickey and Jeff were forced to sell their lovely two-story home last year when they realized that they couldnt prevent the boys from plotting the best way to launch themselves off the second-floor loft to see if they could fly. They now live in a staid rambler, which hasnt helped much. What they really should have done is move into a padded cell for a few years where no one could get hurt.
    With a sense of foreboding, I peered into the laundry room.
    It didnt look so bad at first, just detergent spread like snowflakes across the room. Tommy and Terry were systematically splashing water from Chippers dog dish with teaspoons onto the floor. Soap and water. Theyd been into much worse things than that.
    Of course, I had no idea that wet laundry powder dries to the hardness of concrete.
    By the time Jeff arrived to pick up the children, it took everything in me not to drop to my knees and kiss his feet in gratitude.
    As we stuffed the kids into their jackets like sausage meats into casings, he gave me a worried look. Are you sure youre going to be able to do this, Suze? Theyre quite a handful.
    Its not that. I just didnt get much sleep last night. Well be fine.
    He looked doubtful but didnt argue.
    I stood in the door and waved as he carried the twins down my front walk. The boys waved sweetly at me and Tommy began sending air kisses my way.
    So darling and so exhausting. I have to figure out how to get a good nights rest when I have the guys. Otherwise Ill never make it. I closed the door and sagged, my back against the firm wood. But how?

Chapter Seven
    A human being can survive longer without food than she can without sleep. How long? It appears Im going to find out.
    If I board up the window in the twins room, sleep on a cot inside the bedroom door and have my friend Charley come over and seal us in every night, then, perhaps Id be assured that I and the twins would not have nighttime adventures not fit for children. But what if there were a fire? Id also have to hire someone to sleep outside my door to sound the alarm and let us out. And if Im going to do all this, I might as well hire someone else to watch the twins entirely.
    The phone rang. It was Darla again. This time there was no chatty preamble. Suze, remember the rumor about someone being transferred into your office from Chicago? Well, its me! She did that high-pitched, for-dogs-only squeal at which preteen girls are so proficient. Can you believe it? Ill get more pay and we can spend lots of time together.
    My mouth was working as I tried to get a word in edgewise.
    I have to look for a place to live so Im coming in tonight. Can I stay with you until I find something?
    Of course you can.
    She shrieked again. It will be so fun!
    Do you want me to pick you up at the airport?
    Ill meet you outside baggage claim at six oclock. Gotta go! Abruptly she hung up and I was left staring at the receiver in my hand.
    A wave of gratitude crashed over me and I grew limp with relief. Help would arrive. Darla was coming. She could lend a handor twowhile I had the twins.
    Although my family knows how I am, my sister and parents have so long hoped that Id outgrow my disorder that theyve convinced themselves that perhaps I actually have. Maybe I had, too, until my trip to Chicago, the night with the twins, and until I saw Chipper strapped into the toddler seat. Now that Ive committed to taking care of the boys, am I beginning to realize just how little things have changed and how much it has limited my life?
    No other bright, successful businesswoman I know avoids travel and hotels, dreads promotions and always buys expensive new pajamas because she never

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