Creatures of Snow
He was happy, but there was a
better way to describe the feeling that began to rush through his
veins. “I guess what I’m really feeling…” He looked over to his
father whose face had begun to take on a slight look of concern,
“is relief.”
    The look of concern retreated from the
surface, but Sky could tell by the way his dad sat back in his
chair and tilted his head that it wasn’t fully gone. He just stared
at him. His unlined face a mask of thought.
    “So what happens now?” He
asked as the news slowly began to sink in, and color flooded his
black and white thoughts.
    “ Well, unfortunately Zero
and I have got a delivery in the morning, and Ixanna here has got
to get back to whatever it is she does,”
    Ixanna swung around to the
opposite side of the table and sat gracefully beside his dad. “I
happen to be involved in a very important-”
    “Yes, we know. A very
important, top secret mission. So secret you keep trying to tell us
about it.” His dad sighed.
    “ Well, it’s very
interesting.” Ixanna snapped and crossed her arms with a
    “ Anyway, I already talked
to Allen about riding with you –“
    “Wait! Al knew? The little
    “Well, yeah.” His dad
shrugged. “Everyone sort of knew…but you. That’s why it’s called a
surprise. So, anyway, Allen agreed to take you to campus and from
there you can just act like a normal student.”
    Sky still couldn’t believe
the show Al had put on. Looking sad, worried and
    “ A Professor Blanks should
be connecting with you sometime during the day,” His dad went on,
“He’ll explain the rest and introduce you to the other Axis
    Sky exhaled loudly, still
not really absorbing all the information. He ran a hand through his
hair - only to have that hand grabbed up by his dad.
    “ Is this blood?” He pulled
Sky’s arm across the table to bring it under the light.
    “ What? No.” He
    His dad let go of his hand
and pushed it back in his direction. “So that’s what you were
doing? Fighting again?”
    Sky didn’t want to lie, but he certainly
didn’t want to tell the truth.
    Ixanna shook her head, but unlike his
father, there was no real disapproval in her eyes. “Sky,” She said
gently, “You know fighting doesn’t solve problems, it creates
    “It wasn’t my fault! I
didn’t start it.” He shouted. Like a cornered animal - his first
instinct was to lash out.
    “ Go to your room. We’re
done.” His dad pointed out of the room, not bothering to look at
    Sky knew exactly what that meant. It meant
that whatever hope and pride his dad might have had in him had just
died because he had missed washing off one small speck of
    Sky stood up violently and
threw the box back down on the table, before stomping out of the
    “ Skyden.” His dad called
out calmly as he got to the stairs.
    He stopped, but couldn’t turn around. He
didn’t want to be mad. He didn’t want to be in trouble again, but
it’s not like he could take it back. “I’m sorry, okay.” His voice
cracked and let through his sincerity.
    “ Stop being sorry and
start thinking things through.” He could hear his dad getting up
from the table and the swoosh of fabric told him Ixanna was doing
the same. “You’re scared of turning into Soul and turning your back
on your family, but don’t you realize when you do stuff like this
you’re already pushing us away?”
    Something stirred in the
pit of his stomach. He felt sick, and angry and tired. “I am not.”
His voice was weak and pathetic.
    “ Go to bed. You have a big
day tomorrow.” His dad mumbled back, already heading for the back
    “ Oh, Victor, don’t leave
it like this.” Ixanna whispered as the door slammed.
    Sky made his way up the
creaking stairs to the narrow hallway. He felt terrible. All he
could imagine was the look his dad must have had on his face when
he had said that… you’re already pushing us
away . He had never thought

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