Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1)

Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1) by Molly Jameson Read Free Book Online

Book: Tangled Up in Princes (Royal Romances Book 1) by Molly Jameson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Molly Jameson
Tags: Romance
have noticed how Amanda was flirting with Jamie.
    "I know Amanda. She's coquettish. It's harmless. It's a rare woman who could resist Jamie's charm. She'd never go beyond mere flirtation."
    Carrie wasn't so sure.
    ”I know Jamie. Women have been flinging themselves at him for years. He's practically immune to it. He has an automatic charm about him. Prince Charming, I suppose."
    "According to what I managed to Google, Edward is the playboy of the family."
    "That's what he’d like everyone to think."
    Hmm. How to dig for information without seeming to be too interested?
    "So you aren't worried about leaving your bride in the company of Edward, the prince of scandal?"
    "Edward is as solid as they come. All that rot in the papers, it's mostly Jamie's doing and Edward takes the fall. He's loyal to the family, is Edward. To him, that means keeping the heir to the throne, out of trouble."
    "So all the stuff with actresses and models and pop stars, that was all Jamie?"
    "Probably. Or else complete fabrication. Either is more likely than Edward himself."
    Silly how relieved that made her. So they'd shared a kiss. Big deal. It wasn't like they'd be planning a life together or anything.
    "Excuse me. Phillip, would you mind terribly if I cut in?" Edward said, and Carrie's knees went wobbly.
    "Not at all."
    "You left Amanda and Jamie alone?" she said when Phillip was out of earshot.
    "Relax,” Edward whispered in her ear. "Your sister has, I believe the term is--passed out across the bar."
    His lips grazed her skin.
    "I might have encouraged her to drink a bit more than was strictly wise. She'll pay for it tomorrow, but at least, she won't embarrass herself further tonight."
    "Thank you."
    "Seeing to siblings with less than stellar judgment is something of a specialty of mine."
    "So Phillip told me."
    "Did he now? What else has the upstanding Phillip told you?"
    They watched Phillip carry Amanda out to his car. Even unconscious, her sister knew how to make one hell of an exit. With Amanda gone, Carrie felt the tension draining away, so much so that she leaned against Edward.
    "That's it. You can relax."
    He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. She sank against him.
    "You are a better sister than Amanda deserves, I suspect."
    She pulled away in order to send him a pointed look.
    "You needn't deny it. I know whereof I speak."
    He was right, and they both knew it.
    "Do you ever think of just saying, to hell with it? And letting them lie in the bed they made?”
    "I do. I think of it often, actually, particularly a few minutes ago as I watched Jamie encouraging your flirtation--the rogue--but there's a deal at stake for me. For my entire family."
    As though to underscore his words, a camera flash glared in the bar's dim interior.
    Edward allowed himself an instant of denial. No, not now. Why now?
    "Is there any chance you didn't just see a camera flash?"
    "Afraid not," Carrie confirmed. "Looks like your friends from the castle are here."
    "Damn it."
    He looked toward the bar. There was Jamie, surrounded by women as usual. Where was Phillip? Gone. Too far away now for Edward to be able to turn Carrie over to his care. He grabbed Carrie's hand.
    "I apologize in advance, but please, hold on."
    Half dragging her, he dodged couples on the dance floor, keeping low so as not to be spotted by Dinah Adams, until he got to Jamie. He pulled a roll of one-hundred-pound notes from his pocket, leaned across the bar, and smacked down the wad of bills. He spoke in a low voice to the barkeep.
    "This entire roll, you may have it all, no questions asked, only hurry and put out the lights. Leave them off for five seconds. That's all I ask."--he tapped the roll of money on the bar--"You have until I count to three to decide."
    He counted quickly. He barely got past two before the man had pocketed the money and agreed.
    "Good man," Edward said.
    Jamie pushed through the crowd to stand beside Edward. The instant the lights went

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