Creatures of Snow
of it like
    “ Skyden.” Ixanna’s voice
called softly behind him from the bottom of the stairs.
    He didn’t stop; there was
nothing she could say that would make him feel like less of a jerk.
He shuffled into his room and threw himself down on the bed.
Rolling to his back he reached up his hand to block out the light
he was now wishing he would never have switched on.
    He was nothing but a disappointment.
    “ Skyden.” Ixanna knocked
lightly on his door before stepping in uninvited.
    “I’m sleeping.” He rolled
over to his side, putting his back to her. He knew he was being
rude, but really, he didn’t even know what to say to her. It was
strange that she had followed him at all. Although she was
technically an Iko of Compassion, she was generally the last one to
ever offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. At least, not
to him.
    “You know he’s not mad at
you. When he talks like that, it’s because he’s worried.” She
crossed the room silently and knelt beside the bed. “He worries so
much about you.”
    “ I know that.” He snapped.
He could feel her hand hovering just above his shoulder as she
hesitated to let it land there.
    “ I just don’t like to see
you two fighting when things were just going so well.” She let her
hand come to rest on the bed beside him.
    “What is your definition
of ‘going well’?” He turned back over, and could have laughed at
how quickly she retreated from him.
    “ He loves you very much.”
She clasped her hands together, as if pleading to him.
    “He shouldn’t. I beat up
two guys today and I would have got a third one too if Al hadn’t
stopped me.”
    “ Are you proud of
    “ No.” He just wanted her
out of his room.
    “ Then why do you keep
doing this? You’re a smart boy, Skyden.” She leaned forward just
slightly, “All he wants, all any of us want is for you to be happy,
but you keep doing these…selfish things.”
    He sat up, angry now. Even if she was right,
she had no business telling him that. “You can go now.” He pointed
towards the door, purposely putting his arm inches from her
    “ Just stop thinking of
yourself all the time.” She stood in a huff and went as far as
stomping her foot to make her point.
    “ I’m a teenager, it’s what
I do.” He dropped back down to the comfort of his
    “ Fine. Wallow in your own
self pity. You keep this up and you really will end up like…like
him.” She choked on the last word and spun around in a wave of
white then proceeded to march out the door. With a slam and a
muffled sob she was gone.
    He stared at the door,
hating it. Why did she even bother? Always so perfectly fake and
overdramatic. She never had the time of day for him before. And
really, it wasn’t his feelings that she was concerned about, was
it? It was her dear Captain’s. That fact made him feel better for
some reason. It would have been too weird to have her worried about
him. If one more thing went out of place in his life his head would
most likely explode.
    With a groan he rolled out
of bed and dragged his heavy body over to the light switch. Never
was a task so tedious, but when the darkness came, it was well
worth it. He lay back down and let all day’s events; the good, the
bad and the downright horrible, flood his mind until they washed
his consciousness away, into the blissful depth of

C hapter Six
    Morning came to Marel at the same time as it
did for the rest of the cities on Archaios, but it never seemed
quite as bright. The bit of light that found its way through the
smog only illuminated the run-down buildings and dusty, empty lots
that lined the littered and filthy streets. Just past the horizon,
the distant glow of the city of Cour faded into the haze of
    Sara Rekkert, a tall girl
with dark olive skin, bleach white hair and golden eyes stood in
the entrance of her apartment complex. Her hair was done up in two
sloppy buns and her Academy uniform was

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