Daemon Gates Trilogy

Daemon Gates Trilogy by Black Library Read Free Book Online

Book: Daemon Gates Trilogy by Black Library Read Free Book Online
Authors: Black Library
Tags: General Fiction
them was involved in defending the Empire from its many enemies; everyone but him.
    'I never did understand why Father let you get away with that,' Heinrich admitted, moving back into Alaric's line of vision. 'None of the rest of us had a choice. None of us were given the option.'
    'Would you have taken it?' Alaric pulled his sword and his boots from the wardrobe and turned to face his brother. They glared at each other for a second, and then Heinrich laughed.
    'No,' he admitted.
    'Of course not, you're a born soldier,' Alaric agreed. It was true. Heinrich of all of them had taken most easily to the family occupation. He was big and strong, and good with a blade, and he readily followed orders. He was not so good at giving them, but that was not a soldier's role. He could carry out instructions and had thrived on the military training they had all received as children. 'I was born to be... something else.'
    Heinrich shook his head. What does that mean, Alaric?' He sounded and looked sincere. 'What is that? You are a von Jungfreud, you were born to fight. Father needs you on the line with the rest of us!' His mouth twisted into a sneer again as he glanced at Alaric's battered clothing. 'Not wandering as some... vagabond, some layabout, some wastrel traveller.'
    'I am fighting,' Alaric shouted back. Heinrich had always been able to goad him into rage, and they had
    fought often as children and as young men. 'I have bat­tled things you cannot imagine, things that would have left you a gibbering fool. Not all battles are fought with armies and soldiers.' He raised the sheathed sword in his hand. 'This was a gift from Todbringer himself, for ser­vices rendered unto all Middenheim.' He took a step forward, and a part of him was pleased to see his brother shrink back slightly, uncertain how to deal with his sud­den and unexpected rage. 'I have been places and seen things none of you could handle. And I have fought Chaos - and won - time and again. You have no idea what I have been through - none!'
    'Perhaps not,' Heinrich admitted more quietly, his own anger spent. 'It has been some time. Stay here a while, Alaric. Tell me what you have been doing since you left. You say you have been fighting, and I believe you, for you were never a liar or a coward. You say I have no idea, cor­rect that.'
    Alaric was surprised by the honest curiosity and interest he saw in his brother's eyes. For a second he was tempted. Then he laughed bitterly Why, so you can report it all to Father?'
    'He has a right to know,' Heinrich answered. You are his son, and a member of his family... and you are a soldier in this war, whether you like it or not.'
    'How is he?' Alaric asked, changing the subject.
    'The same: still fighting, still giving orders, and still hold­ing the line.'
    'And grandfather?' Their grandfather was the Graf von Jungfreud, the leader of the clan and the master of the fortress at Black Rock. Alaric remembered him as a tower­ing man of massive build, iron-grey hair, and features chiselled from stone, every inch the military leader. Their father was his oldest son and heir, but the Graf had shown no sign of slowing down when Alaric had last seen him. That had been years ago, however.
    'He does not charge into battle as often,' Heinrich answered, with something suspiciously like sorrow in his voice. 'He lets Father command the attacks most of the time, but his voice is still strong and his eyes are still sharp, and his mind is as solid as ever.'
    Solid; yes, that was a good word for it, Alaric thought as he pulled on his boots and buckled on his sword belt. Grandfather was not a stupid man, but he was not smart either. He had always been too set in his ways, too unwill­ing to consider change, too quick to dismiss even the idea of breaking with tradition, just like their father.
    'And the others?'
    'Gunter has his own command now.' Heinrich's voice held a hint of envy. Gunter was their eldest brother, and their father's heir. If he was

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