Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2)

Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2) by C.A. Kunz Read Free Book Online

Book: Dark Days (The Childe Series, #2) by C.A. Kunz Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Kunz
Tags: Juvenile Fiction
Avenue. Staring down at the ground, she wondered what would happen if she jumped. Will I land on my feet? Can vampires even break bones? Maybe I can float like those vampires in Robert Craven’s novels? She thought, lifting one leg and beginning to step off. Hesitating, she quickly pulled her foot back and sat down, feeling dizzy. “This is absolutely crazy! I can’t be a vampire! They don’t exist,” she murmured under her breath. Running her tongue along her fangs, she groaned at the fact they still hadn’t retracted.
    A fat drop of rain landed on the back of Cat’s hand and she looked up at the sky. There were no stars. Dark ominous clouds loomed overhead. She saw a quick flash of lightning in the distance, followed by the light rumbling sound of thunder. The storm had come up suddenly. As the rain began to increase, Cat rushed off the roof and made her way through the open attic bedroom window, closing it behind her.
    Cat’s bedside clock registered midnight and she was showing no signs of being tired. She felt that her body was becoming more nocturnal, thus the reason for her slight insomnia. Of course, it didn’t help that she had recently gone through two traumatic revelations. Her mind was restless with more questions than ever before. Wide awake, she gazed out her window at the rain, thinking back to what her Aunt Ròs had said. I can’t believe there are people out there who want me dead. I mean they don’t even know me, and they want me dead? Cat remembered the journal that she received while visiting The Purple Door, a unique store in the strange little town of Wedgewick Village. She had only read a couple of entries out of the small and tattered brown journal before it went missing. What she had read, though, made Cat think her current situation eerily mirrored that of the person who wrote it.
    Cat gasped as a huge gust of wind blew her bay window wide open and swept through the room. Papers went flying from her desk and were strewn about the floor as rain drenched the cushions of the window seat. Cat struggled to close the window against the strong wind. As she reached to latch the lock, a flash of lightning illuminated the balcony outside. She was startled to see a figure standing in front of her and let out a quick scream before she realized it was Ryan. Quickly covering her mouth, “Ryan, what are you doing? You scared the crap out of me!”
    “Sorry, are you going to make me stand out here all night, or are you going to let me in?” Cat opened the window and Ryan stepped in, a puddle of water quickly formed at his feet. She grabbed a towel from the bathroom and threw it to him. He thanked her for the towel as he began to wipe his face.
    “What are you doing? I mean it’s after midnight,” Cat whispered while trying to make her hand positioned over her mouth look natural.
    “Well, I think it’s perfectly normal for a boyfriend to worry about a girlfriend who doesn’t return his phone calls.”
    “Yeah, about that. I’m really sorry. I just needed to be alone for a bit. Figure some stuff out. You know, slay some personal demons and such,” she joked, trying to sound genuine, but instead it sounded hollow to her ears.
    “Oh, I see. How did that go?” he asked as he began drying his hair.
    “Uh, quite unsuccessful really,” she replied. Moving forward, Ryan brushed a rogue strand of hair dangling in Cat’s face behind her ear. He smiled at her, making her blush. Grabbing her by the waist he pulled her close, the towel now resting around his neck.
    “What’s with the hand? Kind of makes it hard to kiss you, don’t ya think?” Cat moved in closer and nestled up to Ryan’s shoulder burying her mouth into the towel.
    “Ryan, I’ve really missed you. And it was really sweet of you to come and check on me. But if my parents catch you in here, we’re both dead,” she stated, hugging him closer and getting her clothes wetter in the process.
    “Cat, I know what you are,” he said

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