Davie the Mage (Generations of Eredwynn Book 2)

Davie the Mage (Generations of Eredwynn Book 2) by Daniel B. Harris Read Free Book Online

Book: Davie the Mage (Generations of Eredwynn Book 2) by Daniel B. Harris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Daniel B. Harris
things, but wouldn’t sleep with you. That might be an idea that I could work with, depending on if we have a spare bedroom or not.”
                  “Whatever makes you happy, my love. We’ll be married tomorrow and move into our own place. Then you will have the run of the place. Maybe we could get a Halfling gardener, since they work miracles when it comes to farming and flowers.”
                  She hugged me and said that she wanted to go tell Star and the others about the wedding and ask if they would help her. I went downstairs and told James about the plans and that things had gone better with my mom than expected. He said he would suspend the castle’s business until after the wedding so he could attend. We heard the giggling of all the girls coming down from the apartment and greeted them. I kissed Amber and James kissed all of his ladies. Amber had dressed in the clothing style of the wizards with the tight pants and tunic with a cape to match. I was told that the color was sea green, but I thought it was light blue. I knew better than to argue colors with women, though, so I asked if they were going out. They told me they were just going for a walk and I was invited if I wanted to go. I whispered to James that I couldn’t refuse the offer and could watch the sexy scenery, too. James winked and told us to have fun. We left him to go back to work and strolled out of the keep and through the courtyard.
                  We went to the town that had been a dirt-poor village when James had taken over the province. The girls were just strolling and chatting. They weren’t interested in anything that we passed or any of the shops. As we passed by the docks a man yelled at our group, “Hey, you in the blue! Why don’t you come down here and let me show you what a sailor can do for ya!”
                  Amber was instantly back in her other realm mode and not at all the demure Lady that the man had expected to embarrass. “Why don’t you get off your lazy ass and come up here if you have something to show me! I have a man, as I’m sure you do too! If you don’t want your friends to see you get stomped by a girl, you better turn your rowboat around and get lost!”
                  The man was stunned and didn’t have anything further to say. He went back to work tossing fish from his boat. Amber turned around and all the other girls with her were staring as if she’d grown another head! Then they all grinned and hugged her, saying that was most impressive display of a woman holding her own against a man they’d ever seen. I knew that Amber had taken a huge boost up the acceptance ladder with her very un-ladylike display.
                  I followed the very attractive group all the way around town. They wandered the streets, drawing looks from everywhere, but they were never approached by anyone. Six wizards with the Expert patch on their shoulders could go almost anywhere and be left alone. I was happy that my soon-to-be wife’s first friends were Experts and not Novices, who would be closer to her own age. I decided that I’d ask my father if there were wizards or trainees who could come to Perlsea as added security for Amber and as friends. I knew that Mother would come there and train them if I asked her to.
                  As the sun drifted to the west Lynna, the oldest of the consorts at twenty-nine, suggested they head back. Lia suddenly popped in beside the group and said that she was going to rush us a bit. There was an urgent situation in our room. She ported us straight to the guest suite and said that she’d brought over Amber’s wedding dress and she had to make sure it fit. The tailor was on standby, just in case. I was shooed out of the room as per the old tradition and went to James’ apartment to be kept company.
                  James and I chatted about the joys and troubles of being the

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