Dead & Alive (Book 1): Survive

Dead & Alive (Book 1): Survive by I.J. Smith Read Free Book Online

Book: Dead & Alive (Book 1): Survive by I.J. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: I.J. Smith
Tags: Zombies
Bray responded the same way.
    In a second, Jack was alone; his team had disappeared down the dark ally.
    Jack whispered to himself, “Well, this is a really stupid idea, “as he ran to the side of the truck, he started to climb up the door, he felt something grab his leg. Looking down, there it was a Zombie. This fat rotting corpse was trying to take a bite out of his leg.
    Jack kicked out; the Zombie still had hold, so he kicked harder this time hitting it in the head. He kicked so hard his foot smashed through its skull squashing its brain like a grape. The corpse dropped to the ground as more zombies started to appear. He climbed to the roof of the truck. Once at the top he started shouting, “COME YOU SHITS! THE BUFFET IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!”
    He raised his main gun and started shooting randomly in the air. Clare was right, the zombies are attracted to the noise, they surrounded the truck; there were so many that the force of them walking against the truck made it start to rock side to side. On the truck roof, Jack pulled out a small brown block of C4 from his vest, he pushed a small black box with glowing red numbers displayed on it he changed the numbers to 15 seconds.
    “Eat this,” he said while dropping it over the side of the truck. Immediately he ran to the edge of the truck nearest the wall, he leaned out grabbing a drainpipe. He jumped off the truck, holding onto the pipe and began to climb. He was fast; he was at the top and onto the roof within seconds. He ran to the other side of the roof, looking down, he could see a car parked below.
    “This is going to fucking hurt,” he said, and then he jumped aiming to land on the car roof. He had barely jumped when an explosion sounded out. Debris was flying everywhere, Jack landed hard on the roof of the car on his back. Laying there for a moment in pain he laughed, looking up he could see an arm flying above him. He rolled off the car and stumbled for a moment, but eventually managed to run.
    Elle looked behind her, a huge explosion echoed across the night sky. “Jack,” she whispered under her breath.
    Bray heard Elle, “He is as tough as they come, he’ll be OK” Bray reassured her.
    “We need to keep moving,” Frank told them.
    They carried on, “Over there,” Clare told them.
    “That’s where they are?” Frank asked. Clare nodded yes; they all carried on moving towards the museum. They were close to the museum when they stopped for a moment by an abandoned car.
    “Let’s get inside,” Frank told them.
    “Wait, what about Jack?” Elle asked.
    “We need to get off the street,” Josh replied.
    “I’m waiting for Jack,” she told him.
    “So am I,” Bray added.
    Frank turned to them, “We have to move, Jack will find us,” he told everyone.
    As Frank began to move towards the museum someone shouted to him, “DON’T MOVE!”
    A large figure appeared from the shadows, holding a gun pointed straight at Frank.
    “It’s OK, we’re here to help,” Frank tried to tell him.
    “Bullshit,” the figure replied.
    Josh went to raise his weapon when two more figures appeared either side of the team. “We are armed, and more than happy to kill,” the figure in front of Frank said.
    The figures got closer and came into sight; two scruffy, bearded men had their weapons pointed at them. “Put your weapons down, now” a voice said.
    Frank concerned for his team told them, “Do what he said.”
    The team laid down their weapons, the two other figures picked them up. “Well, look at this, two little mice returning home,” the man in front of Frank said.
    “I thought you would have been Zombie burgers by now,” he continued.
    Clare looked to the man in fear, “Sorry Clint we couldn’t get back, we were trapped” she told him. “Where is the food you went out for?” Clint asked.
    “We... We... We... Lost it,” she stuttered while trying not to cry
    . Clint walked to Clare, “Look at me,” he demanded, Clare continued to look at the

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