owe this surprise? Deminis Bradshaw, you look stunning. Damn girl!”
Demi did not say a word, but merely nodded in acknowledgment with the compliment. His words warmed her in places she did not want them to.
“Is that really you?” he went on. “I must have done something right to have you standing in front of me after all these years, girl.”
Troy shook his head in disbelief. The huge smile on his face let Demi know that he was genuinely glad to see her. Or was it just an act? After being a gentleman and pulling out her chair for her, Troy unbuttoned his suit coat and sat. The waiter brought out their first course, but they both ignored it as they stared at each other. The tension in the air was so thick it could have been cut with a knife. Demi finally looked away. Clearing her throat, she took a bite from her plate. The escargot stuffed mushrooms was delicious. She chewed slowly, savoring the taste. It was almost orgasmic.
“So, Troy, how has life been treating you? From the look of things, you are certainly doing quite well for yourself. It’s been a long time.”
Troy looked like a child. Sweat rolled down his forehead. He wiped it off with his napkin. “You got me sweating like a whore in church! Girl, I would have never guessed that you would be sitting right in front of me. Hell, I didn’t ever think I would see you again. Demi, what are you doing here? I mean, really! I did not expect…”
He paused before completing his next sentence. Demi remained quiet. She watched him, seeing his nervousness. More sweat kissed his brow.
“Please do not take this the wrong way,” he continued cautiously, “but we did not exactly part ways on good terms.”
Demi looked straight into his eyes and could see the fear, plain as day. The little package in her clutch moved against her lap, signaling it was ready to break free, ready to attack. She had to get Troy out of the room and out of his shoes before she could complete her plan. It was the only way it would work. When Troy was out of his shoes, he was vulnerable, and also comfortable around whomever he was with. That bit of information came straight from him, long ago when she first met him. After he told her that, she made sure she helped him out of his shoes before she asked for another pair of stilettos, or any of the other things she needed and wanted. Waiting until after they’d had sex helped too. Troy never said no to anything she wanted.
“No, we didn’t, did we?” she said. “But I have forgiven you for that little mishap.” She tried to keep her poker-face with that lie. She still hated Troy for the things he done to her, especially abandoning her the way he had. She had to be cool, calm and collected if she wanted to do what she came to do and get the hell out of there alive. Demi planned to slip something in his drink first. Otherwise, he would think he was getting something more from her at the end of the night as she was pretty sure that happened on any given night in the studio. That was the only way her plan would work. If Troy turned his back for just a minute, she would make her move.
The waiter brought out the second course. Demi did not fell like eating, but once she took the first bite after the dish was placed in front of her, her appetite betrayed her. Each bite got better and better. Troy seemed to have loosened up a bit too. They made pleasant conversation about nothing in particular, which wasn’t so bad.
By the time dessert was served, Demi was impressed with all the information Troy shared with her. He had certainly changed, and for the better. Too bad she was about to put an end to the life so many people wanted to be involved with,