
Deliverance by Adrienne Monson Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Deliverance by Adrienne Monson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrienne Monson
smelled of unwashed bodies and bleach, with splashes of stains covering the walls.
    The captain showed them where the lamps and mattresses were stored at the back of the room. “Should be enough fuel for the lights until we make port. Until then, only open the door if you hear three soft taps, and then two loud ones. We’ll be leaving within the hour.” With that, he turned in one smooth motion and exited.
    “At least we can control the lock,” Liam commented as he studied the door. “Otherwise we would drown down here if the ship sank.”
    Samantha shuddered at the thought.
    She dropped her bag in the corner of the compartment and sat with her arms resting over her knees. “I have a feeling this is going to be a long trip,” she murmured.
    It was. After the first night on the ship, Samantha woke feeling irritable. It took a while for her to realize it was because she was so tired. Once she became aware of it, it was easy to feel Leisha pulling on Samantha’s energy through their bond. She was surprised it hadn’t happened sooner.
    Nik knew what was happening and, over the next several days, tried to motivate her to eat the food that they’d brought, but Samantha could hardly stomach the protein bars and didn’t think she could handle any of the other processed stuff they had. The heavy up-and-down rocking of the ship didn’t help. At one point, Liam told her they were going through a storm. It had felt like bad turbulence in an airplane to Samantha.
    “You must keep eating,” Nik said firmly. “It will help Leisha as well as you.”
    Samantha nibbled a few chips to appease him, but her gut didn’t like it. The only time she was able to actually take in sustenance was when the captain snuck down some pulled pork and beans for them. She didn’t have much of the beans, but she devoured the pork. Nik and Liam often murmured to each other out of earshot. They glanced at her, their brows furrowed and the corners of their eyes tight.
    By the time they made port in Nagercoil, India, a week later, Samantha couldn’t even stand. Breathing was difficult and all she wanted to do was sleep.
    “She is going to have to drink blood,” Liam said as they snuck off the ship with the captain’s blessing. “She’s too far gone to just survive off of steak and iron pills.”
    Nik’s face was hard as he nodded agreement. “I’ll take care of her,” he promised.

25 BC
    Iliana was surprised at how quickly Turney managed to win the affection of the rest of the village. Everything went well while he stayed with them. The weather was perfect, the crops grew abundantly well, and no one got sick. Turney was completely at ease and walked around the village with great confidence, as if he reigned over the people. The strange part was how everyone deferred to him, even the elders. Everyone looked up to him like he was a god. When Iliana teased him about it, he looked at her and said, “But I am a god.”
    She giggled at his joke, and he just smiled his sinful grin at her. She was drawn to him in a way she’d never experienced before. He was the type of man she could see herself marrying. He was stronger and more capable than any other in the village.
    When Turney joined the men on hunting trips, they came back with twice the amount of game than they usually took. Iliana was pleased to note that Turney paid more attention to her than any of the other maidens. Perhaps he felt a pull to her in the same way she did him.
    She’d tried to ask him questions about where he was from, but he always made up stories instead. “I am just one of many gods in my world,” he said one day as he watched her work in her garden. “But here, I am the only one.”
    “Do you think I could ever visit your homeland?” Iliana asked. She couldn’t imagine a village full of men like Turney.
    His magnificent face turned inward. “I do not think I shall ever go back.”
    She wasn’t sure if he was sad, but moved her hand to touch his face in

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