Desperately Seeking Suzanna

Desperately Seeking Suzanna by Elizabeth Michels Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Desperately Seeking Suzanna by Elizabeth Michels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Michels
Tags: Fiction, Regency, Historical Romance
time.” That was the truth. What had that bit regarding the masquerade been about? Something was off with Miss Isabelle Fairlyn, and he didn’t particularly care to lounge about over tea to find out what that something might be. If not for the prospect of Suzanna behind the parlor door, he would flee. “Actually, I’m here to call on your friend Suzanna. I believe she’s a guest of yours?”
    “Suzanna? Oh, Suzanna.” She laughed with a forced titter, and her genuine smile was instantly replaced by a smile that looked as if it had been left to dry on a wire and bake in the sun too long. She swept around him, nudging him in the back as he entered the parlor. “Of course. You must come into the parlor. I insist.”
    This was a strange interview, to say the least. His eyes scanned the room in search of burnished gold hair and lush curves, but she was nowhere in sight. And there wasn’t much of anything in sight, for that matter. He moved into the sparsely furnished room, circling one of the two chairs before the fireplace but not pausing to sit. Instead he stood with an elbow resting on the back of one chair, making for a fast exit once he found Suzanna. After a moment’s silence, he narrowed his gaze on Miss Fairlyn. His patience was growing thin.
    He watched as she settled into the opposite chair, fluffing her skirts where they fell around her ankles. Finally she looked up, catching his gaze with a bland smile. Was she going to speak? Ever? He’d asked her a question! He took a breath and tried again. “Would you be so kind as to inform Suzanna I am here?”
    “Oh, that. Well, I can’t.”
    Can’t? Why the hell not? He smiled. “Is she unwell?”
    “No, she…left the estate.”
    “Left…the estate.”
    “Yes.” She took a deep breath that seemed to be one of relief. “She left early this morning. So she’s not here. No, no one here who would answer to the name ‘Suzanna.’ That much is certain.”
    “Do you mind informing me where she might have gone?” His hand had formed a tight fist on the back of the armchair at some point. Whether he longed to hit something, grab Suzanna, or strangle someone was uncertain. He forced his fingers to relax as he studied the woman opposite him. Something was afoot. She wasn’t being honest; that much he could guess. The truth of the situation and why she was hiding Suzanna remained a mystery. The parlor door banged open, disrupting his thoughts. And good God, there were two of them now. He was doomed.
    “Isabelle? Oh, there you are,” the other Miss Fairlyn stated as she hurried into the room. As her eyes landed on Holden, her pace slowed to a stop. “And you’re with a guest.”
    “Victoria, this is Lord Steelings. Lord Steelings, my sister, Miss Victoria Fairlyn.”
    “Miss Fairlyn,” Holden offered with a slight nod of his head.
    Victoria glided farther into the room with her chin raised to resemble a swan crossing a pond. She landed a smile on him that would make most gentlemen weak in the knees yet only served to make Holden wary. “Lord Steelings, it’s a pleasure to have you call on us today. Won’t you sit?”
    Isabelle cleared her throat to gather her twin’s attention. “Lord Steelings is here asking after Suzanna.”
    “Ah, I see.” There was a look between sisters. What did that mean? It was as if they had their own language, all spoken in raised eyebrows and pursed lips.
    Isabelle continued, “I’ve just told him she is…”
    “Indisposed.” Victoria interrupted with a smile back in Holden’s direction. “She’s in bed ill as can be, the poor dear.”
    “Away,” Isabelle said with a pointed look at her sister.
    “Away?” Victoria spun away from Holden.
    “Yes, you remember, Sister? She packed her things and left this very morning.”
    “Oh. Which is why she’s away. Away, yes. Far, far away.”
    “Traveling and ill. Suzanna does seem quite busy today,” Holden threw in, knowing they were both lying for their friend. Why

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