Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12)

Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) by Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) by Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child
deal. That was my gym
class purse. All I keep in there is a spare stick of deodorant and a couple
quarters for a soda after class.”
    Zoe’s face lit up as if a dark shroud was lifted from it. “I
owe you a bunch of quarters then!”
    Emily laughed. “Nah, don’t worry about it. You did it ‘cause
you care for your cousin. It was worth it, right?”
    I wish I had friends as cool as that.
    Wyatt clenched his fists and spoke through his clenched jaw.
“It doesn’t matter anyway since you’re stuck here with a bag fulla money!”
    “A bag full of money?” Zoe asked. “Does my backpack have
money in it?”
    I couldn’t answer, but Zoe could read me like a book. “The
money from the food drive… it’s all in there, isn’t it?”
    I nodded as Wyatt laughed. His ninja minions laughed along
with him, which made the hallway echo with villainous guffawing. If this didn’t
attract any teachers, I don’t know what would.
    I did the only thing I could think of. I let the backpack
fall into my hands, and whipped it at Wyatt as hard as I could to shut him up.
Distracted by his own moment of glory, he didn’t see the bag coming, and it hit
him straight in the face.

    Zoe’s bag burst open as loose change and tightly wound balls
of cash fell to the floor, amidst the sound of gasping students.
    Wyatt let out a loud cry as he tumbled backward into the
members of his ninja clan. The students caught him and pushed him back to his
feet, whispering quickly among themselves.
    And this is the part where things went a little blurry.
    Embarrassed, Wyatt threw a punch that landed solidly on my
chin. The shock of pain blasted through my body and everything went bright
white for a second. The next thing I knew I was on the floor of the hallway,
laying in the middle of a circle of shouting kids, yelling something about a
    I felt a sharp pain from my lip. As I stood up, I rubbed my
fingers across my mouth. Wyatt’s punch must’ve busted my lip open. Blood was
all over my fingertips. All I wanted to do was punch him back. Everything
inside me boiled with anger and suddenly, the entire world was painted red.

    I spit on the floor and saw Zoe’s backpack lying next to me.
She was also standing in the crowd of shouting students, but she was standing
perfectly still. She looked sad.
    I glanced back at Wyatt as he landed another punch right
into my gut. I immediately felt like puking as I clutched at my stomach. I was
the new kid at the school. Scrawny and dorky. And I
was getting my butt kicked in front of everyone. Wyatt was going to win the
fight no matter how hard I fought back so I did the opposite of what I wanted
to do…
    I decided to let him win.
    Standing again, I looked at him. He was bouncing around like
some kind of karate master with his hands in the air, waving them back and
forth in front of his body. I smiled because it looked like he was playing with
one of those puppets attached to strings… what are they called? Oh yeah, marionettes .
    Another punch from Wyatt met with my cheek this time. I saw
it coming, but didn’t even try to block it. Why bother? Everything was my fault
anyhow, so maybe I deserved a proper beating.
    And then the crowd started to calm down a little. Wyatt kept
dancing and breathing heavily, occasionally letting out a “ whaaaaaaaa ,”
the way Bruce Lee did in those old movies. He was so engulfed in the moment
that he didn’t even realize everyone had stopped cheering.
    Suddenly, I realized what was happening. Somehow in this
moment, I had become the bigger man. By refusing to fight back, I was taking a
stand of my own. I was standing up to a filthy rotten bully. And it gave me
    I watched as he threw a kick into the air. Punches are one
thing, but getting kicked is a whole other level of “ouch.” His foot landed on
my arm, scorching pain down my spine. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take of
this, but I returned to my position in front of him.

    “Fight back!” Wyatt

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