Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12)

Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) by Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) by Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child
yelled. The frustration in his voice was
    He swung a right hook at me, but this time I dodged it by
leaning backward. “I won’t. You’re not worth it. If I fight, then you win.
If I turn this bag into the office, then you win. If I get caught with
it, then you win. The only way for me to stop this is if I refuse to
play along with your manipulative games. All I should’ve done was walk away
from the beginning, but I can’t do that now, can I? I’m stuck here so the best
thing to do is to refuse to fight back.”
    From the corner of my eye, I could see Zoe smile at me. It
was a proud smile.
    “Hit me!” Wyatt screamed again as he threw another hook.
    I dodged it as I did before.
    One of his ninja minions put their hand on his shoulders.
“Come on, man. This is getting weird. Let’s just get outta here.”
    Several of the other ninjas agreed.
    Wyatt swung around and slapped the kid in the face. “Don’t
tell me what to do! And don’t you ever touch me!”

    The ninja leader flung back around with his arm swinging
wide. It moved too quickly for me to back away from. All I could do was flinch.
    But the punch never landed. I pried my eyes open and saw a
furious Mr. Cooper dragging Wyatt away from me. The circle of students filled
the entire hallway.
    “ He started it!” Wyatt shouted as he kicked his feet.
“I caught him with the stolen money! Look at it! It all came pouring out of
that red backpack!”
    Mr. Cooper released Wyatt’s arm and stepped forward, staring
at the floor covered in cash.
    Everyone in the hallway was silent, which made it easy for
Wyatt to keep shouting. “That’s Zoe’s bag! They were in on it together! They both stole the money, and I caught them! When I confronted him, he started fighting
me! I had to defend myself!”
    Mr. Cooper pushed the change around with his foot until he
saw the yellow sheet of paper that labeled it the food drive money. He glanced
around the hallway of students. By this time, several of the other teachers had
joined, trying to push the kids away from the dropped cash.
    “Who’s responsible for this?” Mr. Cooper asked.
    “I already said they were!” Wyatt screamed, pointing
at my cousin and me.
    Mr. Cooper raised his hand to Wyatt, instructing him to be
silent. “I didn’t ask you , I asked them ,” he said gesturing to
everyone in the hallway.
    There was no way that any of Wyatt’s ninja clan would fess
up to it, and if they did, who would believe them? Everyone else in the hallway
knew nothing of Wyatt’s plan so all they were good for was a shoulder to shrug.
The backpack was Zoe’s, there was no doubt about that, and when they would get
around to asking why it was in her bag, she would claim it was stolen. I
doubt she would say anything about the ninjas, but even if she did, who in the
world would believe her?
    I looked at my cousin. She had a worried look on her face as
she glanced back. It looked like there were tears forming in her eyes. She was
family, but more importantly , she was a friend .
    When Zoe was questioned about Emily’s stolen purse, she
immediately admitted her fowl up. I took that as a lesson in integrity.
    I nodded at Zoe, and then I spoke. “ I took the
    Strangely, it was the ninja clan that gasped loudest.
    “I told you!” Wyatt said, slapping his hands
    “No, I took the money,” Brayden suddenly shouted as he stepped forward.
    Wait, what? Why did Brayden just
say that?
    “No! I took it!” Zoe shouted.
    And then another weird thing happened – other students
started stepping forward, confessing that they stole the food drive money.
    “ I did it,” said a short girl with red hair. She was
cute, but that’s beside the point.
    “It was me ,” said one of the taller students.
    “ I took the money,” said yet another.
    I watched as several of the ninjas stepped forward and did
the same. I can’t imagine Wyatt was too happy that they were doing it.
    Wyatt’s face grew bright red as he

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