Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians

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Book: Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians by Mark Caney Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Caney
protecting headland, sending fountains of fine spray to hang briefly in the bright, tropical sunlight.
    Deneb slowed the pace at last and turned to Sky. ‘Don’t pay too much attention to them.’
    ‘ No you mustn’t Sky,’ Wakes agreed, ‘I’m sure most of the clan won’t think that way. It was good that you two stood up to those idiots. Deneb, you really put him in his place.’
    Deneb gave her a small smile but turned back to Sky, serious as usual. ‘Sky there’s something else too isn’t there? I talked to Muddy today.’
    Sky had been wondering what to do about Sand and his story, after all he had promised him not to tell anyone that he had spoken to him. But now he told Deneb and Wakes what had happened. ‘Don’t tell anyone else yet though, please,’ he finished, ‘I need to find out more first.’
    Deneb inclined his head in agreement. ‘Very well. Let’s go and see mother though. Wakes, why don’t we meet you again after we’ve seen her.’
    They found Silent Water in the shallows, laying on the sand; meditating.
    They waited a short while nearby. She must have become aware of them as they could tell that she was slowly raising herself up through the levels of consciousness, making small movements, then slowly opening her eyes. Without apparent effort, she drifted to the surface, took a brief breath, then settled back to the seabed. ‘You look troubled. Has it begun?’
    Deneb glanced meaningfully at Sky, who spoke first. ‘Has what begun Prime Mother?’
    ‘ Prejudice and bullying from the foolish. It is inevitable I am afraid. No need to answer; I see that it has.’
    Sky nodded, his eyes downcast. She continued. ‘There are some in every clan that can think for themselves, make their own judgements, accept and embrace change. Then there are others whose horizons are close by, who find a false courage in unthinking conformity.’
    ‘ What should I do?’
    ‘ Probably best to do nothing. If they see that you are hurt, it makes their sport all the more rewarding. Remember that their opinions are of no real value. Seek out the company of those with open minds. In time you will see they are the ones that really matter and are truly respected by the wise and the good.’
    ‘ And my father — what about him being a Guardian? What will happen to me now?’
    ‘ I hope that there is no need for anything to change. I have spoken with the Council and we have agreed that whatever your father may have done, you have committed no fault. But Sky, do be careful. There will be many who are suspicious of you now, who will look for any hint of an error. I cannot protect you if they find one.’
    ‘ Prime Mother, I really need to know more about my father.’
    She drifted up again to breathe; sank back again thoughtfully. ‘I can understand that. But if he is alive and has become a Guardian, you must not try to meet him. You know that any kind of deliberate contact with them will result in exile.’
    ‘ Could I at least try to find the zeta who brought the news about my father? Perhaps he could tell me more about what happened that day on the beach — to explain why.’
    She paused for a while, considering. ‘I do not like this at all, Sky. There will be many zetii who will be very suspicious of you now, looking for reasons to expel you from this clan. Do you understand?’
    Sky nodded. ‘Yes, but I really have to know more — to find out where I’ve come from.’
    She looked at him for a long time, her eyes full of compassion. ‘Very well, when your studies permit you can try and find him, but do not spend too long searching, he may be anywhere by now. And you are not to go alone. Now go and try to forget about this for the moment.’
    They left and made their way back to where they had left Wakes Softly. She was playing with a pufferfish, teasing it as it swam in irritated circles around a boulder. She looked up with shining eyes as Deneb approached.
    ‘ Did she have anything to say about

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