Donnel's Promise

Donnel's Promise by Anna Mackenzie Read Free Book Online

Book: Donnel's Promise by Anna Mackenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Mackenzie
what does court gossip have to say about Athan’s marriage?’
    Timon’s eyebrows danced. ‘Verony would be the one to answer that. Why do you ask?’
    She shrugged. ‘It seems an unlikely match, somehow.’
    ‘Court alliances often are.’
    She had no wish to think about court alliances. Cantrel had once jested about her own future marriage, and that had been enough. ‘Can I trust Ciaran, do you think?’
    ‘In the first instance, yes. But if you’re asking whether she would keep a confidence from her husband: marriage being a strange thing, I wouldn’t rely on it.’
    ‘It’s not that. It’s more a favour, quite a large one.’
    He looked intrigued. ‘Her response will rely on both the nature of the request and on what Athan thinks. But you risk little in asking.’
    When Risha found the woman and laid out her request a frown settled around Ciaran’s eyes. ‘Lady Arishara, I am flattered that you should request my company, but I fear you overestimate my enthusiasm for the saddle.’
    ‘But you grew up in the northern marches: surely you ride?’
    The older woman reluctantly agreed. Risha hurried on. ‘As my nearest relative after my father, I should like to get to know you. Your brother, too — perhaps we might visit him? I regret that he left the city before I chanced to meet with him again.’
    Ciaran was already shaking her head. ‘It would not be safe for you to travel so far north, my lady. Talben lives just south of our border with Westlaw.’
    ‘Does Goltoy make trouble?’
    ‘Not directly. There are skirmishes, which he claims are brought about by “unruly troublemakers” on both sides of the border. My brother says it is not so — though according to some he is one of the troublemakers. Most assuredly he is unruly.’ A smile flickered across her mouth. ‘Have you spoken with my husband about your proposed journey, Lady Arishara?’
    ‘Not yet. I wanted to discuss it with you first. None of the councillors seem much inclined to travel, but I should like to see Havre and assess the mood of its people.’
    The woman hesitated briefly before answering. ‘It is true that the business interests of our councillors keep them largely in the capital, but it would be a mistake to assume they are not kept well informed. The Council has seen Havre through difficult times.’
    ‘I meant no criticism.’
    ‘No?’ Ciaran paused. ‘Your grandmother relied on a council of advisors, arguing them essential to good governance. Havre has always been thus.’ She twitched the embroidery that lay in her lap. ‘I realise it is different in LeMarc.’
    There was a beat of silence. ‘Do you suggest my father is not a good leader?’
    ‘Not at all, my lady. But his style of governance is not Havre’s. Donnel is an autocrat, used to getting his own way. He was always so. It was your grandparents’ chief objection to the match.’
    Risha felt winded by the abrupt swing in the conversation’s direction.
    Ciaran touched Risha’s hand with her fingertips. ‘Don’t take my words the wrong way. Your mother lovedDonnel, and for good reason. He can be extremely charming, and he adored her.’ She waved a hand as if to push the conversation aside. ‘I have spoken out of turn: I am sorry. You have only recently come to know him, which makes any criticism all the harder to hear. I meant only that, like each of us, he is not without fault.’
    Risha was not ready to be so quickly placated. ‘I am aware of it. What fault do you claim for yourself?’
    The answer surprised her as much as the woman’s warm smile. ‘Oh, I am impatient and selfish and lacking in tact, so my husband assures me — and I have just displayed the last.’ She set her needlework aside. ‘If you still wish it, I will join you on your journey, and perhaps we might visit Ben if he will agree to meet us in the southern marches. When shall we embark upon this progress?’
    Risha felt unbalanced. ‘As soon as we may. Nolan will provide an

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