Double Trouble

Double Trouble by Tia Mowry Read Free Book Online

Book: Double Trouble by Tia Mowry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tia Mowry
everything’s messed up, and then she’ll never trust us again.”
    That stopped me. Whirling around, I glared atmy sister. “That’s fine,” I spat out. “Because I’ll never trust her again either!”
    Cait’s eyes widened with horror. “Don’t say that.”
    â€œWhy not?” Hands on hips, I glared at her. Even a Goody-Two-shoes like Cait had to see what was going on by now. “Think about it, Cait. She knew what was happening to us all along and didn’t say a word.”
    â€œWe don’t know that for sure,” she said.
    â€œSure we do.” I returned my attention to the drawer. “It’s the only explanation for how she knew to grab that letter when she saw it.”
    My sister was silent for a second, watching as I slammed the drawer shut and turned my attention to the bureau. “Maybe,” she said at last. “I mean, I’ve been trying to think of another reason, but I haven’t come up with one yet.”
    â€œThat’s because there isn’t one.” I opened the bottom bureau drawer and shoved aside a pile of shirts.
    â€œOkay. But even if Mom knew about the Sight, she had no way of knowing we were actually having visions. Maybe she was waiting for us to saysomething. Maybe she assumed we’d tell her about something like that.”
    â€œAre you serious?” I couldn’t believe she could be so dense. “Yeah, okay, maybe she didn’t know right away. But what about what happened at the football game last week? If she didn’t know before, she had to know then.”
    â€œOh. I forgot about that.” Caitlyn bit her lip. “Still . . .”
    I didn’t bother to respond as I dug through more of Mom’s clothes. No matter how sunny-side up she could be, Caitlyn had to realize I was right. We’d both seen visions involving Gabe’s uncle breaking into the police station to frame Mom, and because of them, we got to him before he did any serious damage. Oh, we hadn’t come right out and told her what we’d seen. But I’d never forget that long, searching look she’d given us when we’d urged her to go check on things at the precinct just in case .
    â€œI still don’t think you should be doing this,” Caitlyn said after a moment. “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”
    I rolled my eyes, not bothering to respond. “Where’d she put that stupid thing, anyway?” I muttered, slamming the top drawer shut.
    I headed for the closet. It was just as tidy as the rest of the room. There were only a few places to search—a couple of shoe boxes and garment bags.
    As I slid a hand into the pockets of Mom’s winter coat, I heard a noise and glanced back. Caitlyn was easing open the top drawer of the bureau.
    â€œI already looked in there, genius,” I told her.
    â€œDuh,” she said. “I was here. I watched you. I’m trying to neaten it up so Mom doesn’t figure out what you did.”
    Despite my mood, I almost laughed. “You? Clean? Don’t worry, I’m not planning to leave any evidence. I’ll fix everything after I find the stuff.”
    But I didn’t find it. There was no sign of the package, the letter, or the dusty old book. Not in Mom’s closet; not anywhere in her bedroom. It wasn’t in any of the other closets in the house either. I even checked the cabinets in the bathroom.
    Finally I stomped into the living room, glancingaround for more hiding places. “Where could it be?” I exclaimed.
    Caitlyn was still following me around. “Think about it, Cassie,” she said with a hint of sarcasm. “Mom took everything with her when she left for work the other day. Which means it’s probably at the police station. Are you planning to rip that apart next?”
    I stared at her, my heart sinking. “You’re right,” I said. “It probably is at work. Or

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