Dragon Defense (Heirs to the Throne Book 3)
    “What I need is a rotating staff, trained to watch the boards.  The automated system doesn’t allow large craft through, but it takes manual targeting to keep small ones out,” Trenton said.
    “Can you contact members of our crew?” Chella asked.
    Donovan shook his head.  “They’re already handling important assignments.  We should train new technicians.”
    Trenton said, “There are idle lads taking up space in the castle.  Why don’t you draft some lordlings into your service, swear them to secrecy, and start a training school?”
    Chella’s eyes sparkled.  “I’d love to teach them.”
    “That’s a great idea!”  Donovan nodded.  “It might solve two problems.  Only one son inherits a lord’s title, so gutsy second or third sons hatch plots against their brothers.  Timid sons are ignored.  We’ll sniff out the best candidates and start a training program.”
    Trenton whipped out a notebook.  “I took the liberty of drafting a lesson plan, just in case you start right away.”
    “I feel manipulated!”  Donovan thumbed through the notebook.  “This looks good.  I’ll jot down ideas, and Chella can organize the classes.  We’ve got more lads arriving today, so this gives me a reason to talk with them.  Thanks.”
    It was nearly a year since Donovan returned to the throne.  It took half that time for lords, guild leaders, black marketers, merchants, and Samurai women to start making demands.  Under Jarrack’s rule an underground black market established by Krystal shattered the old system and replaced it with self-serving factions.
    What a pleasure to be king! 
    Donovan rubbed his brow to ease a headache and watched the steady stream of lords who arrived with sons and daughters.  Unable to bully Donovan into arranged marriages for his daughters, the lords took an alternative route—they flooded the court with prospective husbands.  Since there were only three daughters, the lords with girls to wed hoped that failed suitors might choose their daughters. 
    With scores of teenagers underfoot, Donovan understood why arranged marriages seemed attractive to weary parents. He held firm.  His daughters would be allowed to choose their own mates, but he stipulated they couldn’t marry until the age of eighteen.  He’d rather set the age higher.  In a society where fourteen-year-old brides were common, his stricture seemed harsh. 
    Donovan clenched his jaw but forced himself to remain pleasant as lords filed into the Great Hall with gawky-looking offspring.  He scrutinized each lad with the idea of building a secret society of technicians.  No one realized the jeopardy that loomed over Drako. 
    An Institute destroyer tracked Donovan’s ship, the Zebulon, to this planet on the day his daughters were born.  An automated message capsule escaped orbit before they shot the destroyer from the sky.  With luck the capsule drifted into space. 
    Donovan believed time was running out and held no illusions about the compassion of the Institute.  They’d destroy this world to kill everyone on the space ship, people who merely sought a life of freedom.  The Institute wouldn’t allow deserters to live.
    “King Donovan!” Startled from drifting thoughts by the shrill voice of Lord Shelby, Donovan watched two young men approach the dais.  Shelby executed a sweeping bow and said, “I introduce my son and heir, Caston.”  At Shelby’s gesture the young man stepped forward. Slight of build with wavy brown hair and soft brown eyes, Caston held no resemblance to his father. 
    “This is my ward, Ryan.”  The young man blushed, aware of Donovan’s surprise.  Ryan was the mirror image of Lord Shelby, big and burly with flaxen hair, and searing blue eyes.  Ryan was an illegitimate son and doomed to remain an underling.
    “Welcome to court.”  Donovan avoided staring at Lord Shelby’s face in curiosity, seeing how

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