Drake Sisters 03 - Oceans of Fire

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Book: Drake Sisters 03 - Oceans of Fire by authors_sort Read Free Book Online
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her waist, careful of her wounds, and squeezed a towel around her thick red braid to soak up the excess water.
    She pushed at him with feeble hands. “Angry is an understatement. Go away.”
    “No. Not this time. It’s taken me four years to catch up with you. There’s no way I’m going to walk away. Especially when you get yourself mixed up with this mess. If the Russian mafia is involved, Abbey, it’s going to get messy. And Jonas Harrington can go to hell if he thinks he’s got a claim on you. We’re engaged and I’m not letting you out of it.”

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    “You don’t really think I’m going to let you walk back into my life!” She pressed her fingers to her temple. “I need to be downstairs with my sisters.”
    She was getting her voice back and that wasn’t good. “Where are your sweats? I’m not taking you down there if Jonas is going to know you aren’t wearing anything under that robe.”
    Her eyebrow shot up but she indicated her second drawer, not wasting energy on an argument with him.
    The truth was, she was shocked to see him. She could barely stand to look at him, to see him, so solid and real instead of the man haunting her dreams.
    Aleksandr scooped her up once she had wiggled into her sweatpants. “I’m taking you down there, but don’t make the mistake of making eyes at him.”
    “Do shut up, Sasha.” The nickname slipped out without conscious thought. He’d always had a jealous streak and it annoyed her no end. Everything about Aleksandr annoyed her, especially his complete confidence. And his attitude. As if he had the right to be angry with her .
    “Do you want to tell me what you were doing in the sea by yourself?” He gave her a little shake in his arms. “And you should have more sense than to be caught in the open when bullets are flying.” The angrier he got, the thicker his accent became. All the while his arms were gentle.
    She didn’t want to remember that about him. “I don’t have to tell you anything.”
    “Yes, you do. You have to answer for taking ten years off my life, not to mention the four lost between us.” He strode down the stairs and into the living room as if he owned her house, as if she weighed no more than a child. As if he were in charge.
    “Put her on the floor, over there,” Carol directed, pointing to a spot where she’d spread a few cushions.
    Aleksandr propped Abigail against the sofa and sat beside her. Close. His thigh touching hers. “She has a bullet wound across her back and a shark scraped down the back of her leg.”
    “Oh, dear.” Carol put her hand over her mouth. “I’ve brought her tea, but that won’t help her injuries.”
    “The paramedics disinfected them but she refused to go to the hospital.“
    Libby moved then, dragging herself across the few feet that separated her from Abigail, and reached out to touch her sister’s leg.
    Abigail shook her head violently and tried to pull her leg out of reach. “No, Libby. You’re too weak.”
    She gasped the words, fighting for energy just to speak.
    “Just rest, Libby,” Carol admonished. “You can’t heal another person after what you’ve been through.
    Drink your tea.”
    She made it an order. “All of you.” She looked at Aleksandr. “I’m gone a few years, and they all grow up and forget everything we taught them. It’s a good thing I’ve come home.”
    Libby reached for Abbey’s hand. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.
    Abbey shook her head. Libby was the healing force of the Drake sisters. Through her, unbelievable Generated by ABC Amber LIT Conv erter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html
    results could be achieved, but she paid for it dearly, often taking on the pain and illness of the injured or sick person she was aiding. “We’re fine. We’re all fine,” she assured her sister.
    Aleksandr pressed the cup of tea into Abigail’s other hand and helped her bring it to her mouth.

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