Drug Lord: A Bad Boy Baby Romance

Drug Lord: A Bad Boy Baby Romance by Alyse Zaftig Read Free Book Online

Book: Drug Lord: A Bad Boy Baby Romance by Alyse Zaftig Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyse Zaftig
States, now, would we?”
    I gritted my teeth.
    “Be my guest.” I gestured with my arm at my jet.
    “You’re welcome to check it out.”
    “Thank you,” he said, as if he weren’t a government official getting off on all this.
    He went up the steps, and I followed him into my jet.
    Naelle looked at him drowsily.
    “Who’s he?” she said in a voice which meant that she was half-asleep.
    “Just someone who wants do a quick check of the plane.”
    “Mmm, okay?” Naelle said, her eyes shutting quickly.
    The government asshole was crawling around the floor of my jet. I wasn’t sure what he was looking for. It wasn’t as if I would bring a shipment of our main product on my personal jet. It wasn’t worth the risk. I paid a lot of mules and super-mules to bring things to market.
    He crawled under a seat.
    “What’s this?”
    What did he find, a bottle? I stopped myself from rolling my eyes. This “check” was a waste of time.
    When he got to his feet, he had a very small baggie of white powder in his hand. There was a simple symbol on the bag, a big Greek omega.
    I thought that he expected me to be more surprised, but I wasn’t.
    “This is a setup.”
    “I’m sorry, Señor, we’ll have to take you and this lady into custody.”
    Naelle was awake now.
    “You were obviously snorting cocaine on this jet…one or both of you.”
    “That’s preposterous,” Naelle sputtered. “I’ve been mostly asleep the whole time. I haven’t snorted anything in my entire life.”
    “Neither have I.” But I shook my head at Naelle, and behind the official’s back, I put a finger to my lips.
    “But we’re willing to come with you as we get this sorted out.”
    He whipped out two pairs of handcuffs and put them on too tight.
    Naelle yelped when he put the handcuffs on her.
    “No! What the hell? You can’t do this to me! I’m an American citizen.”
    “Just chill,” I told her.
    “What the hell is going on?”
    “We’re being taken in for questioning about the cocaine that they found in the jet.”
    “Cocaine? Are you joking? I’ve never even seen any! My dad would murder me with his bare hands if I ever used drugs.”
    He pulled her off of the plane. She didn’t shut up.
    I quietly went into the car after her. She never stopped protesting even as this man drove us into Quito, making the long journey from UIO into the heart of the city.
    I didn’t say much, just waited for my moment.

Officer Ortiz
    M y wrists hurt from the handcuffs. I’d never been handcuffed before, and I really didn’t like it.
    They were too tight for one thing, and the man ignored me.
    I wished that I was home. Dad would’ve taken care of this.
    I waited as we went to a building that was obviously a jail.
    I started shaking.
    “Don’t worry,” Emilio’s deep voice said. “Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”
    If I could have crossed my arms, I would have.
    “I cannot believe you got me into this situation.” I knew he hadn’t meant to, but I was also about to go to jail.
    “Don’t worry,” he repeated. “All of this is a horrible misunderstanding. Once we are booked, we’ll get out.”
    I turned to him, my eyebrows drawn together.
    “What?” How did that make any sense?
    “Just trust me.”
    I turned to look out the window. The guy who had found the baggie of cocaine in our jet was opening the door and roughly pulling me out of the car.
    His hand on my arm hurt, but I got the feeling that if I tried to call Internal Audit on him, I’d only worsen my situation.
    My hands were shaking a lot now, and my eyes were filling with tears. I considered myself a pretty brave person, but I wasn’t equipped to handle going to jail in a foreign country. If I’d thought that there was even a possibility of getting arrested in Ecuador, I would’ve gone somewhere else. Hawaii sounded like a much better destination at the moment. At least I would’ve been on US soil.
    Emilio got out of

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