Duplicity 2 (Duplicity New Adult Romance)

Duplicity 2 (Duplicity New Adult Romance) by K.T. Knight Read Free Book Online

Book: Duplicity 2 (Duplicity New Adult Romance) by K.T. Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.T. Knight
wasn’t as plush as downstairs, and a medicinal smell permeated my nostrils. There was silence, no music up here. A man was standing with his back to me at the end of the hall. At the sound of my approach, he turned.
    “Hello, Holly,” he smiled.  
    “Hello, Don,” I replied.
    I stood, frozen, wondering where Nick was, and realizing that I was crazy to have come here.
    “Please, sit,” said Don, and I followed his command, sitting in one of the wooden chairs lined up against the wall.  
    “Nick’s inside with Sarah and her mother.” He tipped his head towards the door opposite. “I understand that Nick invited you here, although I have to warn you, my wife is very upset that he did.”
    “I’m sorry,” I replied. “Nick asked me to meet him here. If you prefer me to leave, I will.”
    “Nonsense,” Don retorted. “Not yet. I wanted to speak to you anyway. Did you get my little present?”
    The penny dropped.
    “The photos? Why did you send those to me, Don? I don’t understand.”
    “No?” sighed Don. “You didn’t think I’d let my daughter’s husband take off to London without checking up on him, did you?”  
    Don smiled again, but this time it was a hard, steely smile with a hint of menace.  
    “I know an awful lot about you, Holly. You and … ” he coughed, hand covering his mouth, “your friend.”  
    “Let me make myself clear,” he continued. “You’ve got your claws into my daughter’s husband, and I want that to stop. In fact, yes, I would very much like you to get out of here. As far away as possible. Just say your goodbyes to Nick and make yourself scarce. It would be better for everyone.”
    Gulp. “Don, I’m sorry about your daughter, sir. Really I am. But I’m not trying to hurt anyone. Nick’s told me what happened, and he’s taken Sarah’s accident really badly. He’s just trying to move on, and I want to support him. I’m not a husband stealer, Don. I can’t control who I fall in love with.”
    Don wiped his hand across his forehead, which was shiny with perspiration. His face relaxed as he viewed me with interest.  
    “I love my daughter. Holly. And so does Nick. And he’s in there right now, urging her to live, because she’s a fighter. She’s showing vital signs, Holly. Did he tell you that? When Sarah recovers, you’ll be cast out with the garbage. But go away now, and I will help you. So name your price, Holly, and just leave us in peace.”  
    I hoped that I sounded braver than I felt. “I think that’s up to Nick. If he wants me to get out of his life, I will. But with all due respect, Don, it’s nothing to do with you.”
    “Wrong, Holly,” Don replied. “It’s everything to do with me. Nick owes me, big time. I made him what he is, and I can break him just as easily. But not when he’s family. You, on the other hand,” he raised his voice and pointed at me, “are quite another matter. You little slut.”
    I cowered back. Gribben continued, lowering his voice. “I hear you’re very ambitious. Holly. It would be a great shame for such a promising career to end so soon, don’t you think? Before you’ve even got started. What a pity.” Gribben shook his head from side to side, tutting at the same time.
    “But if you have any sense, young lady, you will let me help you. I have friends in high places. You name it, Holly, and I can open doors for you in any corporation you wish. But it will be far away from Nick Van Hoogen, I can guarantee you that,” he hissed.
    I was frightened to argue with Gribben, who was getting angry, but I figured his options were limited in such a public place.  
    “And what if I refuse?” I asked.
    “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll accept my offer, forget about Nick, and get on with your life back in London. Or else,” Gribben spat, “your career is over. I’ll make sure of that. Here, take this.”  
    He reached his hand in his pocket and handed me a USB memory stick.  
    “Just a little

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