Dying to Forget

Dying to Forget by Trish Marie Dawson Read Free Book Online

Book: Dying to Forget by Trish Marie Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trish Marie Dawson
prodded for centuries by the time we are allowed out of our first training session. Kerry-Anne seems just as overwhelmed when we make our way out of the building and find ourselves drawn to the fountain. We sit on the edge, a few feet away from three other girls we trained with.
    “I don’t think I can do this,” Kerry-Anne says softly.
    “Sure you can. I mean, we have to.” I try and smile at her.
    “But what if I totally fail… again ?” She’s looking down at her hands.
    “Remember what our trainer said…we won’t get our first case until they know we are ready.” I pat her hands and she flinches before looking up at me with sad, brown eyes.
    I sigh. I don’t want to admit out-loud that I have my own self-doubts. I glance at the groups of people that hover around the buildings, and the few that seem on a mission…walking briskly from one place to another. That's when I spot Niles coming toward the fountain and I grin at him. I'm beyond happy to see a friendly face.
    “Niles!” I stand to hug him as he approaches and he pats me lightly on the back.
    “So, I see you have decided to stay and become a Volunteer?”
    I nod but my face must give away my doubts because he leans forward and playfully pinches one of my cheeks.
    “You will make a great Volunteer.” His gentle smile warms me.
    I turn sideways so that Niles is facing Kerry-Anne.
    “Kerry-Anne, this is Niles Abbott…my Intake Specialist.”
    She stands shyly and nods at Niles, who grins but doesn’t offer his hand. He must know she takes some warming up to, but his smile seems to ease her nerves some.
    “It’s very nice to meet you, Kerry-Anne.”
    “You too.” Her quiet, mumbled reply is barely audible.
    “Kerry-Anne, mind if I borrow Piper for just a minute?”
    “No, of course not.” Her eyes widen, as if I'm in trouble.
    “Everything’s fine. I’ll return her to you momentarily.” He smiles his perfect Niles Smile and I follow him pass the Training Department to the much smaller staff building.
    When he pushes open the front door, I stand awkwardly behind him unsure of what it is he wants me to do.
    “It’s okay Piper, there’s someone who wants to meet you and this is the most private place available right now.” He urges me inside and closes the door behind us. I jump as the large piece of wood clunks into place.
    “Have I done something wrong?” I ask timidly.
    “Oh, gosh no! I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to worry you. Here, come this way.”
    My naked feet pad softly on the cold floor as I follow him around a corner and through a small open doorway. There is a large conference style table sitting in the center of the room and a startlingly beautiful girl about my age sitting with her elbows resting on the table. When we enter the room she stands abruptly and looks nervously between me and Niles. She’s wearing a long-sleeve sweater the color of pink bubblegum that hugs her curves and a short pleated skirt. I think ‘Cheerleader’ and instantly dislike her.
    Confused, I look up at Niles who is smiling down at me. “Piper, this is Mallory Storm. She was your Volunteer.”
    My Volunteer?
    Mallory’s breath hitches as my face falls. She hasn’t moved from her spot behind the table and I’m not sure I want her to come near me. Am I mad at her for failing me…or should I be grateful she tried at all?
    I'm so confused.
    “I don’t understand,” I say just above a whisper…aiming the question at Niles.
    “Piper, usually Volunteers don’t meet their assignments, but when you arrived Mallory insisted on it. I’ll wait outside in the hall for you, okay?” Niles says calmly.
    “You’re leaving me here…with her ?” I gasp.
    For the first time, Niles looks sternly at me, before he says quietly, “Piper, this is a conversation that I believe should be held in private…between only you and Miss Mallory.” And with that he leaves the room, closing the door softly behind him.

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