Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince

Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Earth To Nole: Return of the Prince by Kumar Lomash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kumar Lomash
that you are here, let me express my concerns.”, Francis talked in a very different tone now. Joti was furious hearing his remarks for Kevin and the way he referred to him but she wanted to hear it all to see what he was holding within.
    Francis continued, “Angels are seriously concerned about your and Gollow’s loyalty to the Union. Everyone knows you both were close, that boy…”
    “His name is Kevin”, Joti reminded Francis.
    “Yes… Kevin. Everyone knows you three were close. Now that Kevin has joined hums, I cannot trust you the same way I trusted you earlier. You have two weeks to prove your loyalty, after that I will have no option but to ask for your resignation.”, Francis said casually while preparing to go out again. He walked out, leaving Joti shocked and furious. Gollow saw him walk out alone and waited for Joti to follow. When he didn’t see her come out, he walked up to the cabin and saw Joti sitting down on the bed, looking helpless.
    “What happened?”, Gollow asked.
    Joti kept looking at the floor. She didn’t want him to see the emotions reflected in her eyes. She said in a calm voice, “We are going to Holum, right now”.
    Joti rushed towards Holum’s cabin. She seemed determined to correct her past mistakes. Gollow followed her happily. He knew this was a step in the right direction. It was clear from Francis’s announcements during the day that he did not care much about anything. After all, none of his decisions were aligned to the stage 12 plan.
    Joti expected Francis to bring transparency to the Union but instead Francis became the center of all speculations. Instead of leading the Union from the front, Francis was more interested in conducting secret meetings. Him and other ministers seemed to be preoccupied by their own secret agenda while the rest of the Union struggled to achieve a successful stage 12. She had known Francis since childhood and had always respected him. But he wasn’t the same man anymore. He seemed a lot different. She had to discuss this with Holum. She couldn’t let Francis toy with the lives of thousands of humans on Nole.
    They reached the cabin and found Holum and Ibu sitting there.
    “Yes?”, Ibu asked Joti. He was not expecting Union officers to be at his cabin at this late hour.
    “Sir, actually…”, Joti tried to explain herself but she didn’t know where to begin. She had caused both of them a lot of embarrassment and now coming to them for help looked a bit out of the blue in retrospect. She couldn’t simply say ‘Sorry’. She looked across Ibu, into Holum’s eyes with regret.
    “Let’s talk in here.”, Holum said out loud. He was aware of the matter that had brought Joti and Gollow there.
    They entered Ibu’s cabin and avoided making eye contacts with either Ibu or Holum. Clearly they were ashamed of their prejudgements earlier.
    “Let’s get to the point Joti. We have wasted enough time already. What are you doing here?”, Holum implied urgency. He was clearly not interested in apologies and complaints.
    “We doubt that Francis is up to something, something bad. He is having secret meetings and has overridden most of the stage 12 guidelines that we came up with.”, Joti knew Holum and Ibu would understand the severity of overriding stage 12 guidelines, after all it was them along with Joti who came up with those guidelines in the first place.
    “I know that. I also agree that it is a bad call by him. But why are you here? Ibu and myself are no longer allowed to consult on Union affairs.”, Holum asked.
    “We believe that you and Ibu are the only ones who can help humanity now.”, Joti said humbly.
    “But we can’t. You are certainly mistaken.”, Holum walked away, was he too hurt to help?
    Gollow and Joti looked at each other. They knew Holum and Ibu were hurt and would not agree to help easily. Gollow assumed it was his turn now to try and convince them.
    “Sir, please forgive us. We need your help.”, He said

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