Evince Me
the same
damned bed I've been confined to for the past ninety-six hours.
Five thousand seven hundred and sixty minutes of my life that I've
missed out on and will never get back.
    The only reason I knew it was four days was
because I was smart enough to etch a line into the wooden headboard
of the bed with my fingernail each time the black ice started to
wear off. My mind was still in a haze, being shot up with a syringe
each time Marco noticed I was more coherent during our
conversations, which consisted of talking about nonsense by the
    Majority of the time Marco spent telling me all
the wonderful things he had planned for himself and Mia that he
never got to see through. I guess Marco was scared if he didn't
inject me with more black ice I'd either mindlink the guys for help
or try and shift to escape. I had to give him credit for his
kidnapping techniques, he was on point.
    I faintly recalled hearing Maria screaming at
Marco the other day while he stepped outside the room to talk to
her. Something along the lines of council searching for her, for
sure my Dad knew something was up if she didn't return home?
Supposedly she's been hiding out here the entire time.
    As I drifted in a haze between
consciousness and sleep, a voice called out to me. One I didn't
recognize, yet it seemed so familiar in a way. 'Who's there?' I asked out loud, unsure whether
I was dreaming or if this was real life. A foggy vision of what I
can only describe as an older version of me with dark brown hair
and brown eyes appeared, what I recognized to be Mia. Holy crap I
really hope I'm dreaming, I'll even settle for hallucinations over
seeing a ghost.
    'Analia.' Mia's
angelic spirit lingered next to the bed with a smile. She was there
to be friendly, not to scare the life out of me. Thank goodness, I
think I may have possibly wet the bed. I don't know if I'm dreaming
or awake, so I can’t really tell.
    'I'm sorry we never had the chance to meet,
but everything happens for a reason. If I didn't die, you would've
never gotten to know the truth. You need to be strong little
sister, pretend the drugs haven't worn off to buy some time to gain
your strength back.' Mia advised as she stared down at me with
a worried expression. Why the hell didn't I come up with that idea
to begin with?
    'Marco isn't a bad person, he
just trusts in his mother too much. She's evil and that's why I
left so she wouldn't hurt our brothers or father. It's up to you to
reform him...save him...tell him...tell him I forgive him.' Mia's voice drifted off and her presence disappeared as I
heard a jiggling of the doorknob. I didn't even get the chance to
say anything in response.
    Opening my eyes into tiny slits I watched the
door carefully to see who it was that was entering. It seems
Marco's been leaving the room while I sleep, no doubt to handle
pack business. Maybe I can fake sleep for a few more hours allowing
me to gain some of my strength back. Hopefully enough to contact
Tristan or my brothers.
    Once I caught a glimpse of Marco's outline
entering the room I shut my eyes and feigned like I was still
peacefully asleep. Trying the best I could to keep my breathing as
evenly as possible. I prayed that I haven't been snoring, because
it'd be a dead giveaway if I wasn't snoring at the current
    At that thought I let out a tiny little snore
just to add to the persona of a heavily sedated version of a
sleeping me. I could feel his eyes watching me for a few moments
before Marco leaned over giving me a kiss on the forehead. I
desperately fought back the urge to cringe into my pillow.
Satisfied with the idea of me still sleeping, he left the room once
more locking it from the outside. Hopefully this black ice wears
off fast enough for me to get up and do something or else this will
all be for nothing.
Tristan's POV
    I was losing my mind, two godforsaken days since
I've last seen her walk by that window...yet, we still haven't

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