Evince Me
a move. What are we waiting for? We've spent the past two days
training and strategizing our attack, needing to plan
    Rico wants little to no casualties when we
strike, so we have to be both mentally and physically prepared to
take on Marco's pack. Let's not forget Marco's been training them
to be ruthless killers. Some of the guys from the Manzanares pack
aren't cut out for war.
    Being from such an enormous pack, some of the
guys weren't raised as fighters. Royals have a chosen army of
wolves raised specifically to fight. But, we knew we were going to
need a hell of a lot more then fifty wolves to get Lise back.
    "Again!" I shouted angrily pacing back and
forth, staring at the line of wolves sparring in front of me. Each
pair coming to a halt, they separated from one another only to
prepare for attack once again. This earned me a few dirty glares,
I'd be staring at myself the same way. I felt like an Army
drill-sergeant. They've been going at it all morning, but it still
doesn't seem good enough.
    I had to give these guys credit though, they
volunteered out of the kindness of their own hearts to help us get
Lise back. Each of the fifty wolves before me pledged their loyalty
to their Princess. We had a lot more offers, but a hundred wolves
should be sufficient along with the rest of us.
    As Alpha's Rico, Troy, and I stood in our human
form observing the group. We trained them to the best of our
ability, but deep down in the pit of my stomach I knew we would
never be prepared for what lies ahead.
    Alonso, Luke, and Andre were still perched up
high on the mountain keeping watch over Marco's house. Having past
experience dealing with rogues when we tried rescuing Mia, Axel,
Jett, Gabe, and Jordan were giving the guys pointers on how to go
in for the kill.
    Marco's been training his wolves for the past
couple years, these guys have only been at it for two days. It’s
hardly enough time to learn more than just the basics, which is why
I have to be extra hard on them. Can't let them think things will
be sweet once we initiate our attack on Marco.
    We planned on attacking right before dawn,
hopefully they'll all still be asleep. We're almost positive Marco
will suspect we'll attack at night like we did before...that is if
he even has the slightest idea we're watching him at all.
    "Let's give them a break. We'll pick up again
after lunch for another hour, then they need to rest." Rico
announced with a sigh. I know he's feeling the same exact way I am,
stressed. Nothing will be good enough in our eyes. Lives without a
doubt will be lost if they continue fighting the way they are...we
need to avoid that at all costs. Lise will be devasted if anyone
gets hurt trying to rescue her.
Lise's POV
    It was pitch black outside as I sat by the
window staring up into the vast horizon. A few stars twinkled
against the dark night sky making it seem so peaceful. I closed my
eyes and prayed that Tristan's out there somewhere and that he's
coming for me.
    Having slept all afternoon and most of the
evening, I spent most of the night awake trying to shake off the
effects of the black ice. I even took a quick shower, which woke me
up even more. In another hour or so, dawn would be upon us.
    Marco hasn't been back since checking on me
earlier and I wondered what had him so occupied? This is the
longest he's gone without coming back to inject me with black ice,
something's got to be up.
    I was moving around freely now, having regained
use of my body. However, I still couldn't mindlink anyone. Hope
black ice doesn't have a long term effect and that it's only
temporary. I still felt a bit groggy and couldn't shift, but I was
able to get up and walk around the room without crawling around on
my knees.
    A sudden rattling at the door caused me to jump
from my place at the window and dive onto the bed. I watched with a
half lidded eyes as Marco hastily rushed into the room, locking

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