Evince Me
with concern. 'I'll sleep once I know she's safe in my arms
again.' I answered with a grumble. 'Not a minute sooner.' Luke knows how stubborn I
can be, so he didn't argue back. Instead he turned his attention
forwards again.
    I rubbed at my bloodshot eyes tiredly, staring
down at the territory before me. I haven't slept the entire time
she's been gone. We were staking out Marco's pack house from a
distance. Watching, waiting for any sign that he's here with Lise.
This time around we didn't have someone on the inside to tell us
what was going on.
    The mountains that overlooked Marco's house
belonged to a neighboring pack. Thankfully, Alpha Sanchez allowed
us onto his lands after we explained the situation. He even offered
a helping hand, Lise's father brought the kidnapping to the
werewolf council. They were giving us a week to get her back,
allowing us to take matters into our own hands before it was time
for them to intervene.
    If it were up to me, I would've attacked and
killed each and every one of his pack members two days ago. Hell, I
wanted to do it the night Lise was taken, but Rico talked me out of
it. His exact words were I've lost one sister already due to our
irrational actions, I'm not about to lose another. We need to plan
accordingly this time.
    Arriving at the accident scene that night we
found a bloodied unconscious Alonso in the car and no Lise. He had
a few broken bones and of course some cuts and bruises, but after
waking up we made him shift and he was good as new after a few
    Alonso's been blaming himself for Lise's
kidnapping, saying he should have been more cautious and aware of
his surroundings. We keep telling him it's not his fault, I seem to
think we all have a hand in this by not keeping a more watchful eye
over her so not just one person is to blame here.
    There were traces of her blood on the ground,
which caused me to shift on the spot. The thought of my mate being
injured had me thirsty for blood...the blood of those responsible
for causing her harm. I was able to track her scent as far as five
miles away in the direction of Marco's territory before all
remnants of Lise disappeared into thin air.
    Which leads us up to the present time, we
planned on waiting until we spotted some sort of a sign allowing us
to know that we were on the right track before attacking. All forms
of communication were lost with Lise, Rico explaining that they
must be injecting her with high doses of black ice.
    To be honest with you I didn't have the faintest
clue something like black ice even existed. Rico also told me that
only wolves of royal blood had access to obtain something that
dangerous. As I lay down on my belly watching what I hoped to be
Marco's room, I caught a glimpse of movement .
    My eyes lit up in pure excitement as I realized
what I was staring at. Lise was moving cautiously, almost like she
didn't have control over her own body as she made her way slowly
past the window. No sooner did she pass the window, Marco appeared
and carried her back in the direction from which she came.
    Rico and Alonso's ears perked up the same exact
moment I jumped to stand on all fours. She's in there and thank god
she's safe. Now it's time to regroup and plan how we're going to
get her out of there in one piece. A snarl of fury escaped from
deep within my chest, this time around no one will be able to stop
me from killing him. He's gone too far this time messing with my
mate. I gave him fair warning, now it's time I acted on my threat
of becoming Alpha of his mangy mutts.

Chapter 6: Vision
Lise's POV
    Four...it's been four entire days and still no
one has come to rescue me, not Tristan, Rico, Lonso, nor my Father.
My sense of hope was dwindling with each passing day. The thought
of being able to escape on my own was diminishing with each syringe
of black ice Marco pulled out from the nightstand drawer. I was
beginning to doubt that Tristan heard me as I lay in

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