Executive Perks

Executive Perks by Angela Claire Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Executive Perks by Angela Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Claire
a very passionate woman. Maybe she’d suppressed it too long and at the first jostling against a hard cock—and he admitted his cock had probably been hard even before she’d fallen in his lap—she just erupted.
    Or maybe Virginia’s sudden change of heart was really due to an attack of guilt about a boyfriend in the picture who he didn’t know about. She had never answered his questions about that. She was just the kind of goody-two-shoes who wouldn’t even consider an affair under those circumstances. He glanced out the window at the depressing thought.
    “Stop this car.” She pounded on the glass that separated them from the driver.
    “All right, calm down.” He pulled her hands back from their pounding. “You don’t have to cause a scene.”
    The condescendingly placating words seemed to calm Virginia instantly. Undoubtedly, she had never in her life been cast as the hysterical female.
    “Fine,” she said quietly. “I kissed you and let you, ah, you know.”
    You know? Christ, what were they? In high school?
    “I guess in your book that involves some promise to sleep with you.”
    “Well, what was the point of it otherwise, if you don’t mind me asking?”
    “Maybe I was softening you up because I thought it would help me get my stock back.”
    Now that was an interesting idea. Aaron watched the beautiful blonde with fresh skepticism.
    So maybe she wasn’t shy or caught unawares or otherwise committed. Maybe she had her own agenda. Maybe she was just a hell of an actress trying to extract her business end by any means. It struck him as laughable that she had gone so quickly from accusing him of trying to seduce her for his own sordid business plans to evidently trying the same thing on him. Well he had never let a woman get the best of him in the boardroom or manipulate him in the bedroom. And he wasn’t going to break both rules in one fell swoop. Still, he appreciated being treated to that masterful performance, her arching her hips and moaning under him as she came. Maybe she wasn’t so much of a girl scout after all. If that was her game, though, she would certainly have to come through with more than a make-out session, however much it whet his appetite.
    “You miscalculated, then, honey. Foreplay, no matter how good, doesn’t do much for me. Now an actual fuck, if it’s done very skillfully, would go a lot further. So just let me know when you’re willing to fuck me for the stock and maybe we can talk.” He leaned over to instruct his driver through the intercom to stop the car.
    An abrupt slam on the brakes brought Virginia tumbling toward him again. He caught her, but then pushed her away. “I’m going to start thinking you mean it by the third or fourth time you do that.”
    “Please! You probably tell your driver to slam on the brakes as some kind of sleazy trick to pitch women in your lap.”
    “No, as a matter of fact, I don’t.” He pressed on the intercom again. “Jesus, Ralph, what’s the problem up there? We’d like to get there in one piece.”
    “Sorry, Aaron,” Ralph responded. “Some clown keeps getting in my way.”
    “Just slow down, then. We’re not in a hurry.”
    “Speak for yourself,” she muttered.
    The slam on the brakes this time didn’t hurl Virginia, who was in the process of fastening her seat belt, into him. With shock, he saw it was hurling her into the shatter-proof glass separating them from Ralph. And he couldn’t stop it.
    Virginia thrust her hands out in self-defense at the last minute, lessening, but not quite preventing, the blow her head took from the gray glass, which thankfully did not break at the impact. The glass, that is. Her head felt as if it might have. She wasn’t sure if the crash she heard came from the Manhattan streets beyond their doors or from her own banged skull. She sucked in her breath and held one palm up to what was most certainly going to be a nasty lump, falling back against the seat.
    She heard Winston

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