Fallen Elements
I have for my husband, that I will trust his judgment as I have in
all things.
22 January 1628
    Margery arrived today, in spite of the
frigid conditions, with her mother. Goody Sebille was widowed three
winters ago when her husband fell overboard from his small boat
while fishing in Russell Pond. I remember hearing news of the
tragedy, and being perplexed as the day had been calm, and I seem
to recall Goodman Sebille being an excellent swimmer.
    Alas, the mild currents pushed him to the
bottom of the pond, and it was late summer before he was found.
Bless Goody Sebille for she had witnessed her husband’s fall and
untimely death. I am loath to admit this, as the poor man met an
unseemly death, but he was rather the brute, and the town is better
for not having him around.
    “ Goody Allerton, you are looking
wonderful!” Margery had been more formal than our relationship
warranted, and I assumed it was because her mother would not
approve of her referring to me by my Christian name as she works
for me.
    Sadly though, the informality I enjoyed with
Margery was something I looked forward to, and though I didn’t
begrudge her the company of her mother, I felt my own enjoyment of
the visit would not hold up.
    “ Goody Sebille, I have not seen you since
council a fortnight ago.” I greeted the older woman, who quickly
made her way to the fire to warm herself.
    “ I have been ill, or did my daughter not
tell you?” The woman had looked at her daughter with such disdain,
I feared they might have words in front of me.
    “ Of course she did, and I am glad you are
feeling better.” I took Margery’s wrap, a quick smile passed
between us as she was clearly grateful for my lie. “You are better,
    Nodding, Goody Sebille recounted her
illness, and then asked for mulled ale, indicating her stomach was
still prone to spasms. She then took a seat in the chair usually
reserved for Isaac.
    “ My mother can be a burden, but she
refused to stay behind this morning.” Margery apologized as I
prepared the ale over the stove. “I told her she should not risk
the cold given her recent illness, but she can be
    “ I am happy for the company.” The truth
was Isaac had been otherwise occupied with the dealings of the
farm, and had spent the past two nights in the town to avoid the
nearly blizzard like conditions that had taken hold in the
    Though our servant William was a friendly
enough man, propriety dictated he and I maintain very little
contact outside the company of either my husband or another woman.
Though I respect the custom, and surely do not wish to put my
virtue into question, the days had been lonely.
    “ Are you having some as well?” I asked
Margery while I poured her mother’s hot ale into a clay mug.
Margery had declined, but I had always enjoyed Isaac’s family’s ale
recipe. It was spicy and smelled of nutmeg when heated. I looked
forward to any opportunity to enjoy a mug.
    I was happy to pass the late morning with
Margery and her mother, and it wasn’t until nearly noon that I
began to feel tired. Margery insisted I rest, and that she and her
mother needed to go. I was sad to lose the company, but grateful
for the rest.
    “ When is your husband expected back?”
Goody Sebille had asked as she wrapped her heavy shawl over her
head and shoulders.
    “ I expect him back tonight.” I handed
Margery her wrap, and dreaded opening the door as the cold from
outside was already seeping into the house and into me. Both mother
and daughter nodded, and Margery said her goodbyes quickly as her
mother hurried through the door.
    It was the strangest thing as they left. The
snow was blowing in sheets across the fields like a fine dust, but
as I watched the two women make their way over the small drifts,
the snow seemed to lessen wherever their feet fell.
    I admit the light was dim, and my eyes may
have failed me, but it was as if the snow itself parted for them.
What a thing!
    Ryan stepped

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