Falling (The Falling Angels Saga)

Falling (The Falling Angels Saga) by E. Van Lowe Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Falling (The Falling Angels Saga) by E. Van Lowe Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. Van Lowe
I’m still figuring out the probability of that happening. I bet it’s astronomical.” He raised an eyebrow. “Where did you run off to when it was going down?”
    I shrugged. “Panicked. I panicked and ran.”
    Jenny, who had trailed Tran over, lowered her voice. “Tran told everyone you were going for help. He made a hero out of you.” From her tone, she didn’t approve.
    “I know you weren’t scared, Barnett. I know you too well.” He turned to Jenny. “That’s the kind of person she is. Modest ,” he said. I could read the innuendo between the words.
    He was wrong about me not being afraid. I was very afraid of killing or injuring my classmates.
    “Umm, thanks, Tran,” I replied. Jenny remained silent and tight lipped.
    “I told everyone to come back this afternoon after school to hear your speech.”
    “Oh, about that,” I said, feeling the knots in my shoulders begin to tighten. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to withdraw from the election.”
    “What?” Jenny squawked, while shooting Tran the evil eye.
    “Yeah. I have such a big load this semester, and my mom wants to make sure I keep my GPA up.” That was sort of true. “She thinks it’s best I don’t run in the election. Let’s just concentrate on winning the state championships, okay?” I added, throwing him a bone. Winning the Mathlete State Championships was the most important thing in Tran’s life. “State!” I called and pumped my fist, the way Tran always did when he chanted State! State! State! I threw in a smile. None of it worked.
    “Oh,” said Tran. It was like watching the air go out of a balloon. “Okay. No problem. I’ll let everyone know.” He hauled up his books. “Winning State’s the most important thing,” he said, his voice hinting dejection. He moved away.
    “I think you made the right decision, Megan. Grades are way more important than an election. We’ll get over it,” said Jenny, who’d hung back after Tran had left the room. She patted me on the shoulder to show her support. From the tone of her voice, she was over it already.
    “Thanks,” I said.
    When I arrived at second period French, I wasn’t surprised to find Ashley and Heather standing by my desk. And this time I was ready for them.
    “From what I can tell, you haven’t resigned yet,” said Ashley before I’d even arrived at my seat. “Is there a problem?” She put her hands on her hips and Heather followed suit.
    “Sorry. Maudrina’s Aunt Jaz was rushed to the hospital yesterday, and I had to go support her. It was life or death, and I totally forgot.”
    Maudrina and I had been hanging with the Poplarati since last semester. Maudrina’s boyfriend, Curtis, was a card-carrying member of the cool crowd even though he didn’t go to our school. And yet, to these girls, Maudrina was still a zero, would always be a zero. Ashley had no idea who I was talking about. Truth is, if not for circumstance, Ashely wouldn’t know who I was, either. The Poplarati had no use for anyone they deemed a lesser being.
    “Maudrina. The girl I hang with all the time.”
    “Curtis’s girlfriend,” Heather whispered.
    “Oh,” said Ashley, a haze settling over her eyes. She still had no idea who I was talking about, and from the look of her, could care less.
    “I’m going to resign today. Don’t sweat it.”
    Ashley’s demeanor changed instantly. “Oh, you poor baby. I hope Maudrina’s aunt is okay.” For Ashley, turning up the care in her voice was like turning up the heat on a furnace—just the flick of a switch. She moved in and pulled me into a hug. “I’m having a student rally next week. It’s going to be the first big party of the year,” she whispered so none of her lesser classmates could hear. “Exclusive guest list. You must be there. It’s going to be so fun.”
    I didn’t bother telling her that a student rally is supposed to be open to the entire student body. I was once again a member of the in-crowd,

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