Magic at Silver Spires

Magic at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Read Free Book Online

Book: Magic at Silver Spires by Ann Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ann Bryant
to manage to get him to change his mind. “If I’m fine tomorrow morning, will I be able to go home?” I asked him in a gabble.
    â€œWell that depends on the circumstances at home,” he said, turning round and giving me what I would call a searching look. “You’ll need someone looking after you all the time for a few days at least. It’s tougher than you think managing with one leg out of action. Have you got lots of stairs, for example?”
    I thought about Forest Ash and my heart started to sink. “Well—”
    â€œThere are lots of stairs, doctor,” Papà interrupted in a calm voice. “It’s a boarding school.” Then he turned to me. “Antonia, it’s much more sensible to stay overnight as you’ve not been feeling well, and then we’ll see about tomorrow.”
    The doctor smiled at my father and nodded. “That’s right, Antonia. Let’s get you in the right state before we throw you out, eh?” He gave a little chuckle and, with another smile at my parents, turned to the patient in the next bed.
    The nurse helped me back into bed and I flopped back against the pillows, feeling abbatutta . I don’t know how to say this word in English, but it’s like being tired and depressed.
    Later, though, after Mamma and Papà had gone and I was on my own, I tried swinging my legs out of bed again, and this time I didn’t have any dizziness. Maybe Papà had been right about it taking time to get my strength back. I was definitely getting better now and I felt sure I would be ready to go back to my friends tomorrow.
    Thinking about Nicole and the others reminded me that I hadn’t looked at my mobile all day. It was such a good surprise when I found loads of texts. All my friends and Miss Stevenson and Mrs. Pridham and Matron had wished me luck with the operation and then there was a later text from Nicole saying she guessed I’d be all plastered up and ready to go back to school by now and she couldn’t wait to see me.
    I quickly replied to tell Nicole the bad news, but I promised her I’d definitely be back the next day. Then I flopped back on my pillow again, determined to save every drop of strength so that nothing would stop me leaving hospital at the earliest possible opportunity.
    â€œRight, take your time now, Antonia.” The physio was supporting me as I got the crutches in place under my arms. “Now, try a few steps along the corridor.”
    It was ten o’clock in the morning, the day after my operation, and I felt a lot better. The nurses couldn’t believe the improvement I’d made, so they’d happily agreed to letting me try out the crutches.
    â€œExcellent!” said the physio, because I found it easy and had gone halfway down the corridor and back. “Now for the stairs. They’re a bit trickier.”
    And they were, especially as I had to be careful to hold the right-hand crutch in a particular way, so it didn’t hurt my hand. But still I managed, and afterwards, when we went back to the ward and met up with my parents, the physio told Mamma and Papà that I was a “natural”.
    â€œSo why don’t we go and have a drink at the café,” said Mamma, “to celebrate?”
    But I was desperate to get ready to go back to school. All we were waiting for was to see the doctor one final time, and the nurse had told us she was certain he’d let me go when he saw how much better I was.
    â€œI’m not really hungry or thirsty, Mamma. Shall I pack my things together?”
    Mamma turned anxious eyes to Papà and I felt confused for a moment. What was there to be anxious about now I was better? Or was she worried about how I’d manage on crutches at school?
    â€œWhen I get home to Silver Spires, I’ll have loads of people to help me carry things, won’t I?” I said in my brightest voice to try and reassure Mamma. Then I

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