Fate (The Edge of Forever)

Fate (The Edge of Forever) by D.C. Gambel Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Fate (The Edge of Forever) by D.C. Gambel Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.C. Gambel
Gabriella. Most of those picture were taken at events. Charities, fundraisers, things where I had to make myself available to talk to people.” He shook his head. “Most of those women I don’t even know.” He shrugged. “It just makes for an interesting story.” He paused looking at me completely serious. “I assumed we were only dating each other. Was I wrong?”
    I smiled softly and shook my head. “No. You weren’t wrong.”
    Our kisses grew in intensity. Our fingers began to wander, exploring one another. Grayson would always break first wishing me a good night. Maybe he was just trying to be a true gentleman, but for the first time ever, I was beginning to want more.
      After another late night, I woke with barely three hours of sleep. My mother had had a bone to pick once I got home. I made the mistake of forgetting to change before I headed back to the nest. She went on about how my outfit was inappropriate for work. Grayson and I were talking about trying out lunch dates instead of so many dinners, mainly because my mother was upset that I wasn’t spending more time with the nest, which meant not enough time with Anton. 
    Before heading to work, I sent a text to Shawn to meet me at our favorite Starbucks off of Lexington. I was definitely in the need for a pick me up, before work. A warm cup of Joe was nothing to a hot glass of John Doe, but the caffeine would help with my sleep deprivation.  
    When I arrived, Shawn was sitting at my favorite table with two coffees. I smiled at him.  
    “Venti white mocha at one forty. No whip, stirred,” he spouted off my drink.  
    “Thanks,” I closed my eyes as the warm goodness slid down my throat at just the right temperature so it didn’t scald me.  “Mmm… God, that’s good.”
    “You seem in a good mood. I’m guessing everything went well last night?”  
    I beamed at him. I raised my large bag, making sure it caught his attention. “I’m changing at your place tonight.”
    “You just saw him last night and you already have another date? How’s your mom taking it?”
    I shrugged, not hiding my annoyance. “She does not like my late nights. I think it has more to do with the fact I’m not spending all my free time with Anton.”
    “What free time? You barely have time to see me lately,” he laughed.
    “Exactly,” I tipped my cup toward him in acknowledgement.
    He shook his head. “I don’t understand.”
    “I have no free time which doesn’t help when you’re trying to play match maker.”
    “It also probably doesn’t help when one of the parties wants nothing to do with the other.”
    I nodded. “Yup, but she doesn’t seem to understand that, or it doesn’t seem to matter to her.”
      A few hours later, after I returned from lunch, my phone chirped. I reached into my desk drawer, opened my bag, and searched for my phone. I grinned hugely when I saw the message was from Grayson. Rachel glared at me. She knew who it was by the smile on my face. She figured out who ‘G’ was at our pitch to him. 
    After our pitch was done, Grayson had walked up to me to discuss the plans for our date that evening. It was my turn to pick what we were doing. He didn’t bother to wait until the office was clear. Rachel stood there gaping, open-mouthed, wide eyed, when Grayson leaned in and kissed my cheek.  
    I read the text.
    Grayson: H ey, beautiful. Looking forward to tonight.
    I texted back.
    Me: M e 2. What’s the plan?
    Grayson: Dinner and a movie?
    Me: Movie?
    Grayson: Your pick
    I paused for a second. Figuring he’d think I’d want to see some chick flick, I thought I’d surprise him.
    Me: How weak is ur stomach? lol.
    Grayson: Not weak at all. What do you have in mind?
    Me: lol. It’s a surprise. I’ll text u the movie time.
    Grayson: I look fwd to it.
    Later that evening, we were seated toward the front of the theater, up against a wall. The armrest was up so as

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