Fate (The Edge of Forever)

Fate (The Edge of Forever) by D.C. Gambel Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Fate (The Edge of Forever) by D.C. Gambel Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.C. Gambel
to not separate us. It was about halfway through the movie, but to be honest, I really had no idea. About twenty minutes in, after laughing about the gore that made everyone else scream, we found other things to occupy our time. My fingers were tangled in his brown hair gripping him closer to me. His tongue dipped into my mouth, lightly stroking and teasing mine. He tasted wonderful. I groaned with satisfaction just wanting to drown in him. His jacket was draped across my chest, hiding his hands wandering up my back and sides. I was at ease in his arms and yet incredibly turned on. I just didn’t know how to get what I wanted. It had only been a few weeks and there were still obstacles in our way.
    Everything felt right in the world at that moment, from the flawless tranquility his touch compelled from me, to the tremors his lips provoked racked through my body. It was absolute perfection until the scent of blood engulfed my senses. I broke away from Grayson’s swollen lips worrying for a brief second I’d nicked him. Placing my hand against his chest, he saw the worry pass across my face.  
    “Hold on a second,” I whispered. He studied me as I righted myself but he said nothing. I closed my eyes and took a deep, heavy breath inhaling the salty sweet scent. I turned my head in the direction I smelled the scent the strongest and it wasn’t from Grayson.  
    In the back corner of the theater there was a man hunched over a woman. To the untrained eye, it would look like they were embraced in an intimate moment similar to the one Grayson and I had just been sharing. Perhaps any onlookers would think he was just pressing sweet kisses across her neck, but I knew better. I could smell the blood.  
    The stranger lifted his head from his meal, turning in my direction. I ducked down behind my seat. He was a hunter on alert. It made his senses sharper allowing him to feel my gaze on him. Looking between the cracks of the seats, I saw his eerie eyes reflect the light of the screen as he scanned the area, and turned back to his meal. There was no blood dripping down his face or any other signs to give him away. He was neat and well-trained which meant he was no newbie. I felt my face go pale. I turned back to Grayson who was looking at me with curious eyes.  
    “We need to go,” I whispered and bless him, he asked no questions. He nodded, stood and we left.
    Outside the theater, Grayson waved down his driver who had been idling on the corner, patiently waiting for the movie to end. “Take us back to the apartment, John,” Grayson relayed to his driver sternly.
    “Yes, sir,” John replied with a tilt of his head.
    Overwhelmed by what I had just seen, I let Grayson usher me into the car without question. He scooted in next to me, allowing me to feel the warmth of his body without pressing against me. My thoughts wandered over what I’d just seen. It was a vampire, feeding from a human, in public. Not only that, but if he was from the nest, which was likely, he almost caught me with Grayson. Older vampires didn’t just wander into another’s territory. And like it or not, Manhattan was Anton’s territory. Vampires were also rarely nomadic, preferring to stay in a nest. So the odds that this was a nomad who didn’t know customs were dwindling down.
    We arrived at our destination in what seemed like seconds. Once out of the car, my head cleared a little. I looked around to where we were. We stood outside a large apartment building. Before I examined it further, Grayson grabbed my hand pulling me through the doors. He didn’t pause to greet the doorman who wished him a good evening. He didn’t even acknowledge him. In fact Grayson didn’t stop pulling me until we were in the elevator.  
    “Where are we going?” I whispered.  
    “To my apartment,” he said, looking straight ahead.  
    My heart raced at the prospect of being alone with Grayson in his apartment, but was I really ready to take that next step?

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