Feel (Sovereign Book 3)
the police cordon, but I knew it must’ve been long enough for Marlee and the S.W.A.T. team to arrive. I just hoped they were getting ready to do something.
    “It was to take back what should’ve been rightfully mine,” Gavin said, his voice low and deadly serious. “My company . . .” He took a step toward me and his right hand straightened, lifting up and directing the barrel of the gun directly at my forehead. “The woman who should’ve been my wife from the start . . .” My breathing stuttered. I’d never been face to face with a gun—or a man hell-bent on revenge—before, and I had no idea how to act. “And then I find out I’m being investigated by the FBI and this guy . . .” he said, tilting the gun to my side where I knew Barrett sat behind me, “. . . is actually an undercover agent sent in to bring me down.”
    I was paralyzed by fear and opened my mouth to plead with him to rethink everything, but no words would come out. “It was actually your little fuck buddy who told me. Quite an enlightening conversation we had. That man has a lot of anger toward your fuck-toy here,” Gavin continued, narrowing his gaze and glaring at Barrett.
    “Son-of-a-bitch,” Barrett ground out behind me as it sunk in that Aiden blew Barrett’s cover, out of spite? Jealousy?
    Time stood still as silence filled the room.
    They said your senses could be heightened in extreme circumstances. You took more in, and everything you heard and felt was magnified by a thousand. In that moment, faced with my own mortality and the knowledge that one squeeze of Gavin’s finger could send a bullet careening through my body, I could hear even the faintest of sounds around me.
    I heard the faint ticking of what I guessed to be my mother’s grandfather clock she’d had since I was a child and a soft drop from a leaking tap, possibly in the kitchen, which was two rooms away from where we were being held. I heard quiet footsteps to the side of the house, and I hoped that meant help was coming.
    Before I could notice anything else, there was a loud click of the front door and Gavin quickly rushed me, wrapping an arm around my throat and digging the muzzle of the gun hard into my temple. Using my body as a shield in front of him, he faced the doorway and tensed when Aiden walked through the door with his hands in the air, a dark blue vest with S.W.A.T across the front covering his chest.
    “I’m Detective Aiden Lawrence. I rang you this morning,” he said to Gavin. “I thought you’d prefer to talk to me than the hostage negotiator that LVPD has outside.”
    “I said no. Fucking. Cops,” he growled in my ear, loud enough for the entire room to hear. The atmosphere became thick with tension and when Barrett’s chair scraped along the unforgiving wooden floor, Gavin spun me around to face him but stayed side-on to Aiden.
    He knew he was cornered, and his only advantage now was the gun pointed at my head and the feelings the two men had for me. 
    “Gavin, talk to me. What are your demands? What can we negotiate so that you let Lucas and Alyssa free?” Aiden said, distracting Gavin from Barrett. I looked to Barrett’s hands to see the rope around his wrists loose. He used his eyes to communicate with me, darting sideways quickly before looking at Aiden then Gavin.
    As he was doing all of this, Aiden continued to talk to Gavin, and the arm around my neck loosened slightly. “I’ve spoken to the FBI; they want everybody to leave this house of their own volition. You will be arrested, but you will not be harmed if you leave with me now.”
    I caught movement out the front window and saw two armed officers take positions on either side, flanking the house. I quickly looked at Barrett and watched his fingers make a one, two, three count then he nodded, waiting for my silent agreement. I blinked slowly then opened my eyes to meet his again.
    When Barrett reached three, I elbowed Gavin in the stomach and pushed away just as Barrett

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