Feel (Sovereign Book 3)
jumped out of his chair and rushed him. Unfortunately, Gavin had enough time to swing the gun around and squeeze one shot out, shooting Barrett in the chest at close range as Barrett’s torso crashed into Gavin’s body, taking them both down and sending the gun scattering across the floor to my feet.
    “Aly!” Aiden yelled, but without thinking, I bent down, wrapped my fingers around the grip and took the two steps toward Gavin, pointing the gun down at him.
    “Aiden, see to Barrett,” I said, my voice deceptively calm when inside, my heart was shattered in a million pieces inside my chest.
    “Aly, put the gun down. I’ve got him,” Aiden instructed, but I was out of it, too focused on Gavin and blinded by everything that had happened because of this man. 
    “See to Barrett,” I growled through gritted teeth.
    Gavin’s eyes were wide, but I couldn’t see any fear or remorse in them. Then he smirked at me. “You won’t shoot me. Your father didn’t have the guts to fight me when I took him down, and you don’t either,” he said, trying to goad me.
    “You killed my father?” I said on a gasp, all semblance of self-control I’d thought I had seeping out of me as I had visions of taking out the man that stole my father from me and tried to ruin his legacy.
    “You should never underestimate a Jacobs. We never give up.” Gavin jerked up, reaching out for my legs, but my finger tightened on the trigger. Aiden yelled, “Aly, No!” just as my arm jolted back violently and I watched a bullet tear through Gavin’s flesh and I knew in that moment, nothing would ever be the same again.

    Hours later, I sat in a hospital waiting room, my feet up on the seat and my arms wrapped around my knees. Aiden hadn’t left my side since we’d arrived, but we’d barely spoken because I didn’t know what to say. What he’d done and what it had resulted in kept playing on repeat in my head. I was so angry at him for how he had put my mother, myself and Barrett at risk. It was because of him and his spite that Barrett was in surgery fighting for his life.
    Marlee had popped in to check how I was holding up and pulled Aiden aside to talk to him, their conversation quite heated before she walked over to me, gave me a gentle shoulder squeeze, and left again.
    “I need to go make a formal statement,” Aiden said, when he sat back down beside me. “I’m facing disciplinary action at the very least. I impeded a federal investigation resulting in an agent’s kidnapping and shooting.” His tone was resigned. When I didn’t say anything, he added, “Detectives are going to want to interview you as well.”
    I just nodded, not looking at him. “I’m not sorry.”
    “What?” he asked.
    “For shooting him. If it came down to letting him shoot me or Barrett, I’d do the same thing.”
    He reached over and wrapped one of his hands over mine. “Aly, look at me.” The tone of his voice pulled me out of whatever place I was in, and I looked up to meet his eyes. “I would’ve shot the bastard myself if you hadn’t. You just got there first.”
    “You told me not to. You didn’t want me to shoot him.”
    “Because that’s not you. You’re not someone who shoots people. You’re not trained, you’re definitely not experienced, and you’re probably going to have nightmares about it.”
    “I’m not sorry,” I whispered, looking over his shoulder and out the window. Dusk had given way to night, the fading light being swallowed up by the dark sky.
    My head snapped up. Standing at the door was my mom.
    “Mom!” I cried. I jumped out of my seat and rushed over to her, wrapping my arms around her chest and burying my face in her shoulder just as I burst into tears. She clung to me, her own sobs ringing in my ears. “I was so worried about you.”
    “It’s going to be okay,” she murmured, as she turned her head and kissed my cheek.
    We pulled apart, and I ran my eyes down her body

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