
Fervor by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online

Book: Fervor by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
deathly quiet as was to be expected at fuck me
o'clock in the damn night. I reached the tree that would get me into the house
and took a deep breath. My heart was like a runaway train in my fucking chest
and my hands were sweating. Punk ass. I worked the kinks out of my neck and
started climbing, this wasn't my first time at the rodeo, I'd pulled this stunt
before, only then I was sure of my reception, this time I had no fucking clue
what awaited me at the end of this fuckery. I hoisted myself through the window
and the scent hit me. Fuck me, sensory overload, fucking strawberries and
vanilla. I was literally stopped in my tracks; how the fuck did I forget that?
That was one of the things that first drew me to her; her fucking scent drove
me insane. Hands in the front pockets of my jeans I stood in the corner out of
the view of the window, you never know what nosy ass neighbor had insomnia and
was watching shit out their window, that's the last damn thing I needed.
    There was more
than enough light coming in through the window so I could see, and the first
thing I noticed was the gauntness of her features, the second was the tear
tracks on her cheeks. I bit my fist to keep the groan from escaping. She looked
so small and helpless, nothing like the vibrant vivacious girl of my dreams. I
slid down the wall hands clasped on my forehead, nose burning from holding back
tears. I wanted so much to go to her but I couldn’t, not yet, not without
    Fuck did she
see me? My body tensed as I prepared to flee, but looking towards the bed I saw
that she was asleep still, and tears were once again rolling down her cheeks.
Well just fuck. She was calling for me in her dreams that ought to mean
something right? I felt my own tears seeping from the corners of my eyes as I
watched her beloved face, so ravaged, so pale. No wonder Jonas had lost his
shit she looked at deaths' door.
    I spent the
night sitting in that corner thinking and planning, going over and over in my
head what was the best course of action. Everything was spinning out of
control. Sitting here gazing at her it all seemed so simple, so easy. I knew
what dad was talking about that first day, the Maddox male legacy to love only
once and love hard. As often as I had heard the stories I don't remember once
hearing about the woman cheating. Don't think about that shit now, you can't
lose your fucking mind in her bedroom in the middle of the night, that'll just
fuck shit up even worse. So I sat and I watched and I planned, and in that time
she called out for me three times, and each time I had to fight to stay in my
corner. Soon little butterfly, man I hope soon.
    When the first
rays of morning light filtered through I got up to leave. I tried not to do it
but I couldn't help myself, so with the lightest touch I kissed her brow,
drawing in her warm scent before making my escape.
    The ride home
was long and tedious, I had so much on my fucking mind it was a wonder I could
concentrate on driving. It was still too early for much traffic so I had the
roads to myself. Nothing but open road and cluttered thoughts to keep me
company. One thing was for sure James was going to have to step his shit up; I
didn't have the time I thought I did. If she was this fucked up now I can't
imagine what another couple weeks would do to her. I tried to hold on to the
anger I felt in the beginning but the fire wasn't there, it hadn't been
extinguished completely but it was now tempered with reason and the look of
desolation on a sleeping girls' face. She was breaking my fucking heart.
    Mom was in the
kitchen bustling around when I got home, the rest of the house seemed to be
still asleep. I knew my loved ones would need to get back to their lives soon,
they were only here to support me, dad had been going in for only a few hours a
day, which for him was a monumental sacrifice the man ate slept and drank
medicine. Tiffany had left a buying trip in Europe to come home, Derrick could

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