laughter that had been bubbling between them when they had first seen me was long gone. Now they all just looked pissed, e ven Chip the newbie to the team seemed about to explode. I had only been around once or twice but he had always seemed unfazed by life. Well, he didn’t look so unfazed now; now he looked like he wanted to rearrange someone’s face.
At first I thought they were all pissed at me, but as I scanned their faces I realized that they were looking at the people, mostly men, around me. “Hey! What gives, I thought we were going to have a good time tonight? Really guys, relax!”
“Yeah, well I was in a real good mood until you walked in and the wolves descended!” Sunny said belligerently. Even as Sunny is talking, he is getting up and bringing he jacked that had been on his chair over and trying to wrap it around my shoulders. I try to side step him but he has no problem keeping up with me and wrapping the jacket around me.
I shrug of the jacket and hand it back to him. “Wolves? What are you talking about?”
“Kye, look around you. Just about every man in the place is circling around you like sharks on Shark Week! And the ones that aren’t are either gay or just too damn ugly to think they have a chance!” Cale said as he came to stand beside me and put a proprietary hand on the small of my back and lead me to an empty chair.
“Yeah couldn’t you have dressed a little more conservatively? I mean really, are you trying to start a fight tonight?” asked Cale as he stared at a guy that I saw coming over to us in the corner of my eye. After seeing Cale ’s face the guy quickly turned around and found someplace else to be.
“Uh, hello? I lost the bet. I had to dress this way, remember?” Now I was starting to get pissed.
“Shit Kye. We’re sorry. I don’t know about the rest of the guys, but I completely forgot that you lost today. I mean you never lose!” Cale looked contrite, but I was still a little miffed and a tad embarrassed. H e is right. I never lose. Damm it! That makes me think of why I lost and I have to start saying my personal litany in my head again. When it’s over it’s over. No take backs and NO SECOND CHANCES! When it’s over it’s over. No take backs and NO SECOND CHANCES…!”
Ken cleared his throat to get my attention. “ Uhmm, Kye? I think you look great tonight. You will knock EVERYONE straight on their ass!” As Ken said this, he was taking the time to stare first Cale, Sunny, Crow and Chip in the eye. There was some type of message he was relaying, some little bit of information he was sharing with everyone; Just not me.
Each of them gave me a cursory once over, like they would a bomb about to blow. Cale gave a sharp nod of his head and put his arm around me.“You know Ken, I think you are right. Damn, this is going to be one hell of a night!”
“Yeah Cale, Ken is right. Don’t mean I have to like this shit though. All these guys are looking at her like she is an oasis in a desert.” Crow said as he chugged his beer down in one quick gulp.
Sunny shook his head as he got up from the bar stool he was sitting on. “Little girl it is time for your surprise. Let’s go up to the stage, the band is getting ready to play, and something tells me that you might like them.”
“Well, hell guys. Why didn’t you say so? You know that I love music.” We were laughing about some of the guys we were training as we made our way to the stage. I let out an overly girly laugh as I saw who was on the Stage. “Ethan! Mitch! Chris! Tucker! I haven’t seen you guys in forever. Why didn’t you tell me you would be in Morocco?”
“Well Lovey, we didn’t really know exactly where on the tour we would be, but the last time I Face-Timed with Seamus, he said that you all would be spending about a month in Morocco, I called Cale to get the dates down, and Voila! Here we are!”
God, it was so good to see them! I still remembered all the late nights they spent with
Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi
Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages