Find A Way Or Make One

Find A Way Or Make One by E. C. Kelley Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Find A Way Or Make One by E. C. Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. C. Kelley
laughed and hugged him again, “Ok, sure. Just let me listen a bit first ok? It has been a while since I have played out in public.”
    Ethan shook his head then kissed my forehead. “I will hold you to it Lovey.”
    I looked at Cale, Crow, Sunny, Chip, and Ken. “You guys are the best,” I screamed as I rushed to them for a group hug.
    “We keep telling you that, but you don’t believe us.” Crow said as he hugged me and then he and the others went off to find some entertainment of the female variety for the evening. When we went out, the guys and I had an understanding; they do them and I do me. That way they could pursue whatever woman caught their eye without feeling guilty, and I didn’t feel like I was keeping them from anything. Sometimes it can be tricky being friends with guys, but for the most part I think we have worked it out.
    I make my way to the front of the stage and start to lose myself in the music. Making my mind up, I turn to walk to the steps and I run in to an over six feet tall solid mass of muscle.Instinctively I recognize Wyatt. I would recognize him anywhere.
    Taking a deep breath to steel myself to the impact of being near him again, I slowly raise my eyes. The piercing silver ones that stare back at me cause my breath to quicken and my heart to flutter. Damn, I can’t let this happen again. It almost killed me last time, and I have others that depend on me now.
    After staring at me for a moment that seemed to stretch on for days, Wyatt finally spoke. “You always did love music. I remember the first concert we ever went to. Well, the concert really is a blur, but what happened after has been seared into my brain.”
    Oh God! Please don’t bring that night up! It is hard enough to not fall at this man’s feet and beg him for whatever crumbs of affection he can give me; I don’t know if I can relive our first night together and stay sane.
    “I had a fantastic time tonight Wyatt. The band was really great. I mean the rhythm of their songs made each one seem to flow into the next, and the soloist’s voice was so deep and smooth. They absolutely rock!” Shit, I know that I am talking way too much, but I just can’t help it! It was either that or I was going to steal Meg Ryan’s lines from Top Gun . ‘Take me to bed or lose me forever!’ I don’t know what but this man has the almost magnetic pull that tugs at me, body and soul. He hasn’t said anything since I finally stopped jabbering on about the band tonight. I stare at his chest, too afraid of what I might find there to look him in the eyes. After a few seconds that seem like forever, I feel a callused hand softly trail down my cheek until one finger is under my chin, where it slowly raises it until I have no choice but to look him in the eye.
    The intensity in his gaze causes me to catch my breath. Wyatt slowly leans down until his lips almost brush my ear to reply, “I am glad you had a good time tonight Kylee. I will have to take your word for it that the band was good, because honestly? Anything that didn’t have to do with you; your eyes, your smile, your laugh, your body, was a complete blur to me. You totally eclipsed anyone and everything else tonight.” He started kissing down my jaw until he got to my chin. With little nibbles he slowly makes his way to my lips. The kiss that follo ws is completely consuming; demanded possession of my soul.
    Because of the differences in height, Wyatt has to pull me up to reach his lips. As if possessed, my arms wrap around his neck and my legs wrap around his waist. Wyatt moves until my back is pressed up against the door to my apartment and his hands move down my back to grab on to my ass.
    Once I was securely held up between Wyatt and the door, his right hand began moving to my left hip under my sweater, then up my rib cage until his fingers were brushing the underside of my breast. A sharp tingle ran up and down my body as Wyatt started massaging small circles in the underside

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