Finding YOU Finding ME (You & Me Trilogy Book 2)

Finding YOU Finding ME (You & Me Trilogy Book 2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online

Book: Finding YOU Finding ME (You & Me Trilogy Book 2) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
step in whenever you need me,” Gail said. “But the most important person
you should be discussing your relationship with is the woman you want to be
with…Sam, and for her to be open and honest with you, too. For your
relationship to work, you have to let each other know your boundaries and
expectations. You’ll have to learn to trust each other. Both of you have issues
in the past that will come up and become barriers for you to overcome, but fate
or destiny has thrown you two together. I have a hunch if you love each other
enough, you’ll overcome those barriers, and you’ll do it together.”
pulled Gail into his chest for a big bear hug then. His cheeks were wet with
tears, and he was telling her, that he thought everything was so hopeless a few
months ago when he left for Europe and left me behind, that he thought he would
never find love or be able to have a normal relationship. But now, he’s never
been so happy for this chance. “And I will do everything I can,” he said to me,
pulling me in for the group hug, “to keep you.”

    Chapter 7
                W e had dinner afterwards. Collins, Gail, and I
in a restaurant nearby where we had our own private room. It felt strange
having Gail, whom I saw as my mentor at Sawyer House, act as my therapist, too,
or rather, Collins’ therapist. I felt self-conscious at first around her,
knowing what she knew about Collins and me, and also what she knew about us.
Collins had told her about our incredibly hot ride up the elevator to her
office and how I had reached an orgasm. My face was flaming red when she
nodded, pleased with what he was telling her.
amazing progress,” she said to Collins and to me. “You’re so close to being
comfortable with your intimacy.” She looked very pleased. “Given your past,
Collins, I would say you have made enormous progress to get to this point.”
was tempted,” Collins said. “A couple of times, but with Sam/Susan, I tried to
stay in control.”
I kept staring down at my hands. I wasn’t used to discussing my sex life in
front of people, let alone my boss. But Gail was different. She wasn’t just my
boss, but a highly-trained respected psychiatrist. “Good, good,” Gail said.
“Sam, for you to reach the point of orgasm that you did, for you to get beyond
your fears of intimacy and touch, you’ve come a long ways as well.”
I wanted to do was to be there for him,” I said. “I didn’t even think of
myself. I was focused on him, and with that, I wasn’t afraid.”
that’s what I thought would happen, only you’ve pushed through that fear very
quickly. And in the heat of the moment,” Gail said. “What I wish for both of
you is to be able to have that and more, all the time, in the heat of the
moment and in any normal situation.” Gail took out a sheet of paper and began
writing. “Look, I know you both want to speed this along, and I would love for
you to, but we really have to take it one step at a time so it’s not too much
and you end up regressing…which could be worse.”
took a sip of water and calmly said, “What do you suggest we do?”
live together for now. I know you want to have Sam live with you, like before,
but that’s a bit soon. She needs to have a place of her own. You need to have
that boundary.”
spoke up, realizing this is what I wanted all along. “I was planning on moving
out of my parents’ place and getting a place, an apartment of my own near UC
Irvine’s campus.”
help you find one,” Collins said, without skipping a beat.
you go,” Gail said, pleased with how easily Collins and I agreed with what

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