Flight of Aquavit

Flight of Aquavit by Anthony Bidulka Read Free Book Online

Book: Flight of Aquavit by Anthony Bidulka Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Bidulka
revealed me as a fraud.
    “This past fall. You have what, three shows in
    the fall season?”
    48 — F l i g h t o f A q u av i t
    “Uh-huh. But, I only just started working here
    this month.”
    I was not shocked by this news.
    “There’s really no one else here who could
    help.” She screwed up her face. I’m sure she was
    wondering if that meant she’d actually have to do
    something herself. “Our last show just closed and
    most of the management people are gone on
    Christmas break. They’ll be back after the holi-
    days though,” she added sluggishly.
    “Oh dear, well, I’ll have to cast the show long
    before then. I’d hate for this actor to lose this
    opportunity to make some good money doing
    wonderful theatre.”
    She nodded sympathetically. “Yeah, yeah,
    that’s for sure. But I don’t know how we could
    help you without a name or anything.”
    Perfect, just the opening I was looking for. “Do
    you have a copy of the programs for the shows
    you’ve done this past season?”
    “Well, yeah, sure.”
    “Could I take a boo?”
    “Take a look, dear, could I please take a look at
    those programs?”
    “What show did you say it was?” Her voice
    was whiny, as if she was beginning to strongly
    suspect this might involve some effort on her
    “Unfortunately I don’t recall. Could I see all
    She lethargically pulled open a drawer that
    must have weighed several tonnes given the effort
    Anthony Bidulka — 49
    she expended to do so and pulled out just the doc-
    uments I was looking for. I quickly scanned the
    first one and was gratified to see that indeed the
    photographs of each of the actors for each produc-
    tion, as well as those of the staff of the theatre,
    were semi-glossily reproduced in miniature. I went
    over all the pictures in the three programs and
    identified five men who could conceivably fit the
    description of Jo given to me by Daniel Guest. So
    far so good. Next hurdle.
    I looked up at Rebecca and judged her recov-
    ered enough from the drawer opening adventure
    to move ahead with a new task. “Now, I ask all
    actors I work with to leave me copies of their
    resumes, just in case I wish to work with them
    again. I’m sure Persephone’s artistic director must
    do the same.” I had no idea whether this was true,
    but I was guessing Rebecca didn’t either. I laid
    down the three programs opened to the pages
    with the pictures of the actors in question.
    “Perhaps you might have a look-see in your
    files?” I knew how I would go about finding Jo, I
    just hoped Rebecca was up to the task. I also
    hoped she didn’t realize I’d suddenly lost my
    accent. Drat, I hate when I do that!
    “Well I suppooooossssse Sheila could get into
    the office where the files are kept.” More whining.
    “What a great idea!” I announced buoyantly.
    “Tell you what,” I said glancing at my watch. “I
    have another appointment. Why don’t I attend to
    it then return afterward, say in an hour or so? That
    should give you and dear Sheila plenty of time to
    find a few resumes and make copies, wouldn’t
    50 — F l i g h t o f A q u av i t
    you say?” I grabbed a scrap of paper and pen from
    her desktop and scrawled down my cellphone
    number. Although I didn’t really expect her to call,
    I was on a roll and had just thought up one more
    Rick Astley hit I hadn’t used yet. I handed the
    paper to her and with juvenile satisfaction said,
    “And if you get done early, just ‘Dial My
    Chapter 3
    I RETURNED TO MY CAR, started it for warmth and
    sat in the Persephone Theatre parking lot eating
    my muffin and hoping Rebecca was leaping into
    action. Something told me I shouldn’t rush getting
    back. When I was done chowing down, I took
    22nd Street to the Circle Drive freeway and
    arrived at the Travelodge Hotel in time to make
    my pseudo appointment with Natalie, the ban-
    quet manager. It was a short meeting.
    As Marge predicted, Natalie was indeed

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