For Sure

For Sure by France Daigle Read Free Book Online

Book: For Sure by France Daigle Read Free Book Online
Authors: France Daigle
Tags: General Fiction
the verse. In the phrase Cut my throat and the peonies in “I Love You So ,” he replaced his throat with roses, which somewhat attenuated the barbarism so that he could keep the line Hurry bring me my wine my blood , because he did not want to shelter the children from all primitive feelings nor transform Aragon’s texts into innocent nursery rhymes; the kids already knew enough of those.
    Thus the expression “read between the lines” is not purely figurative.
    â€œPotatoes sold pretty well back den; well der weren’t much to eat and not a whole lot o’ choice. Dese days it’s a whole udder kettle of fish. Folks’re eatin’ all sorts o’ tings aside from potatoes. An’ I’m not jus’ talkin’ ’bout dose dat’s afeared of puttin’ on a few pounds. So . . . fer sure, dey’s gotta find some udder way to sell all dem potatoes. Like makin’ bags smaller and more appealin’ like, if youse catch me drift. And der’s different sorts o’ potatoes, ’cause it’s like wine dese days, folks’re startin’ to know der different sorts o’ potatoes. Potatoes fer makin’ mashed’r no good fer boiled cod, an’ potatoes ya want baked in yer oven or microwave, well dose ain’t de same neither . . . Right, now what was I sayin’? Awh yeah! Potatoes you want fer bakin’ an’ dose wot you’re usin’ in yer fricassée, well dey ain’t de same yer gonna be usin’ to make fries.”
    Unidentified Monologues
    Gradually a slew of terms and phrases became widespread, terms like libido , oral stage , anal stage , sadism , narcissism , the unconscious , Oedipal complex , desire , ambivalence , lapsus , guilt , pleasure principle , reality principle , the ego , the id , the superego , aggressivity , death drive , neurosis , psychosis , anxiety , defense mechanism , conflict , repression , inhibition , resistance , overdetermination , transference , projection ; all notions that have become part of our contemporary mental toolbox.
    Freud Circuitously
    On the wall by the entrance hang a dozen or so backpacks of various sizes and colours. Those down close to the floor are smaller and livelier in colour. All together they make a pretty picture. Étienne got two new packs this September: one for the pool and one for his colouring course with Étienne Zablonski. “Course” may be exaggerating a bit, but it does dress up nicely and elevate slightly those weekly hours of babysitting Zablonski has offered Terry and Carmen. Wednesday afternoons therefore, the renowned painter Étienne Zablonski tries to teach some basic notions of visual art to the Le Petit Étienne Thibodeau.
    â€œYou don’t need to bring me, Dad; I can get der on me own.”
    Terry quickly concealed the concern that had gripped him at the thought of letting the little one roam the hallways of the lofts on his own. Once over his initial surprise, he sought to encourage his son’s resourcefulness:
    â€œIf you know how to get der, I figure yer old enough to go on yer own den, fer sure.”
    Cited without permission from the Gallimard catalogue concerning La Pléiade: “All the books are printed in Garamond, on bible paper, and leather bound with gold lettering. A different colour has been selected for each era: tobacco for the twentieth century, emerald green for the nineteenth, blue for the eighteenth, venetian red for the seventeenth, Corinthian brown for the sixteenth, purple for the Middle Ages, green for Antiquity; sacred texts are bound in grey, anthologies in China red.”
    â€œWell, anyways, ain’t de French always ’ad a revolutionary streak runnin’ troo dem since de whatchamacallit de French Revolution?”
    â€œAn’ what, pray tell, does dat have to do wid legal

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