Formula for Murder

Formula for Murder by JUDITH MEHL Read Free Book Online

Book: Formula for Murder by JUDITH MEHL Read Free Book Online
Tags: Mystery
engaging mouth and compelling eyes. His bearing was forceful, yet soothing. She saw more than one female student in awe of his well-toned body.
    Kat and Nick met later in the day as planned. She introduced Shelley, who gave Nick a brief run-down on her current publications projects. Kat delivered him to security where he picked up his key for the on-campus apartment kept available for guests. The president said he could stay there while apartment hunting. After introducing him to security personnel, she showed him the apartment and they went out to dinner. She picked a local restaurant that was somewhat off the common student pathways to insure a little peace with the meal.
    Over wine they discussed the investigation, discovering some questions that were unanswered and she agreed to pick him up the next morning and go to the site of the murder in quest of answers. Kat delivered him and his suitcases to the campus apartment. The horizon settled into a murky overcast evening as she made a restless drive home. Frustrated by the lack of progress in the investigation and her growing uneasiness around Nick, Kat was glad she hadn’t lingered at his apartment. She wasn’t sure if her increased tension was due to a murder so near, or Nick, and she was too tired to examine the issue that night.
    Morning brought more enthusiasm and fewer concerns. Their first stop was to pick up his car. She noticed it carried a new wax job. He stroked it lovingly down the side and communed under the hood for a few minutes before following behind her to work.
    The murder scene was still closed off. They noticed students gathered around the door that sported a sign saying classes would be held in another lab indefinitely. The sign, the rumors, and the info from those who had attended the campus drew curiosity. Students took turns peering in the window of the door. When Kat and Nick appeared, they scattered, rushing to classes. Nick decided no way would they sneak under the tape to investigate inside with so many students around. They discussed other angles of pursuit. One of the students lingered. Robin knew Katharine casually because they both spent so much time in the building. He decided he needed to talk with her but then he noticed Nick and backed off.
    Robin was in a quandary. Should he tell the police he was there that night? And almost definitely heard what was happening even though he didn’t know it at the time? He sure didn’t want to get Kelly in trouble for being in the labs. Of course, it was completely his fault. He’d begged her to come. Of all times for this to happen. He’d just started the semester with a new project and a cranky professor. The project was new to him, not to Professor Abbott. But he’d made a possible breakthrough already. And now the professor was dead. The project was probably dead too. Where did that leave him? He not only needed the experience but the credits. He’d normally talk to his advisor, but his advisor was Dr. Abbott and he’d just been killed.
    On the other hand, he certainly didn’t see the killer, other than a shape as he walked by his lab door on the way out. He didn’t think the killer had seen them either. At least he sure hoped not, at least not to recognize. He had hoped to confide in Katharine. Not that he knew her that well, but he figured she would play it straight with him, and it was sure safer than going to the dean or the police. He would try to talk with her later. Meanwhile he’d better contact Simon Santora, chemistry chair, and try to salvage his life.

    Chapter 6
    An exceptionally high percentage of scientists, composers, authors, and mathematicians write with small sized letters—logical, since these types of professionals spend a good deal of time in deep concentration.
“Handwriting Analysis, Putting it to Work for You”
by Andrea McNichol
    It wasn’t eavesdropping. Not exactly.
    Kat leaned casually against the doorframe outside Abner’s office.

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