message comes through from the field agent closest to the tree. She identifies herself as Perez and tells us that shortly after Maitlan’s arrival, his cell phone rang. He has it to his ear. He’s listening.
Zack places a hand on Bradley’s shoulder. “Patch into his cell phone,” he says.
Perez’s voice comes back. “Target just tossed his cell in the trash. Looks like a burner was taped to the underside of the lid. Target’s pocketed it and is on the move. I can follow with the stroller.”
“Do it.” Zack joins Torres who’s tracking Maitlan on the flat screen. “But keep a safe distance.”
I join them as Maitlan’s indicator heads down Park Drive.
Another agent’s voice comes through. “It looks like Target is heading back toward the 72nd Street entrance”
We watch as he turns west at the junction instead of east. In a few minutes he’s made another turn. A crackling message comes through.
“I think Target’s heading for the Bandshell.”
I tap the location of the Bandshell on the screen. It’s closer than the Boathouse was to Maitlan’s penthouse. “Can we get a couple agents in position there? These two look close.”
“Perfetti and Campbell,” Torres says. “They’re on bikes.” She speaks into her headset. “Do you have Target in sight?”
“Target in sight,” one of the agents replies. “We’ll be passing Target any minute.”
We watch as Perez falls back a bit and the other two agents take the lead. Within a minute they’re in front of Maitlan and heading for the Bandshell. The same agent is still keeping up a running commentary. “There are a few street performers in the area, a small crowd around them. We should be able to blend in.” A minute passes before they lay eyes on him. “Target’s in front of the Bandshell. A call is coming in.” There’s a brief silence, then, “Target’s heading back on Park Drive, looks like he’s going south.”
“Perez, do you have the Target?” Zack asks. “How is he holding up?”
“Not good from the looks of it. That backpack has to be getting pretty heavy by now. Target is sweating profusely. Probably part nerves, part exhaustion.”
“Not to mention the extra layers of clothing.” I look over at Torres. “Where do you think he’s heading?”
“Not sure,” she replies. “He’ll be passing the Visitors Center soon. If he doesn’t stop there, it might be the carousel.”
I feel a sudden spark of hope. “If there is going to be a swap, that would be a logical place to do it. The place is always teeming with kids. Robby wouldn’t be conspicuous.”
Torres quirks an eyebrow but doesn’t reply. I can tell she isn’t feeling the same burst of optimism I am. Zack, too, remains silent, stoic.
I check the clock on the wall. Maitlan’s been gone well over an hour and he’s been on the move most of that time. “It’s going to be dusk soon.”
Zack starts to reply when Perez interrupts. “Target is past the Visitor’s Center. I’m betting on the Carousel. Can you get another agent there?”
“No one’s close enough. It’s on you. Looks like he’s coming up on it now. Any sign of Robby?”
“Shit. Target is on the phone again. I’m hanging back. Target’s yelling in the phone. It’s attracting attention. People are stopping, staring. Should I move in?”
Torres speaks up. “No. Not yet. He’ll snap out of it. He’s not a stranger to pressure. He knows what’s at stake.”
“You’re right, boss,” says Perez, “Target’s jogging south again. Toward Seventh Avenue. Wait. There’s some kind of demonstration going on. I’m losing sight of him.”
Zack’s strikes the wall with his fist.
Torres’ eyes are fixed on the screen. “He just moved past the Seventh Street entrance. He’s headed for Broadway. Get through the crowd, try to catch up.”
I don’t realize I’ve been holding my breath until it catches in my throat. “They’re playing with him,” I whisper. “Playing with us.