Freefall (The Indigo Lounge Series, #5)
Zach says he’s been through some issues. I only asked because I didn’t want him to come after you without...” She stops and I muster a grin.
    “Without knowing that he’ll return alive?”
    She grins. “Yeah, you were pretty pissed when you stormed out of the kitchen. Anyway, Zach said whatever he’s been through has made him a little...eccentric, but he wasn’t unpleasant to you, was he?”
    I stifle a hysterical laugh. “No, he wasn’t unpleasant. A little judgmental, sure, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”
    Liar, the hard throbbing between my thighs seems to echo. I shift in the bed and sip my drink as Bethany continues to eye me.
    “You sure?”
    I nod. “Seriously, he came to find me on the beach and apologized for his rudeness.”
    “That’s all?”
    “Pretty much.” I cringe inside at the barefaced lie and quickly change the subject. “How did the rest of the party go?”
    She shrugged. “Okay. Everyone left happy, which is the most important thing, I guess. But,” she bounces on the bed, her eyes shining with happiness, “Zach and I finally agreed on a date for the wedding.”
    “Oh?” I heave an inner sigh of relief that she’s dropped the subject of Mason and I. “And is Aunt Keely helping with the organization?” I ask with a genuine smile this time.
    “Of course you are. The date’s April Thirtieth.”
    “Wow, I thought for sure Savage would want to get you hitched by next weekend.”
    She rolls her beautiful eyes. “He tried, believe me. But he’s learning he can’t always have his way.” I hide a smile and raise an eyebrow when she bites her lip, a worried look crossing her heart-stoppingly beautiful face.
    “You think you can help me organize the wedding on top of the Indigo Lounge project?”
    I send her a speaking glance. “You kidding? Have you forgotten what I do for a living?”
    She laughs. “No, I know you can juggle projects in your sleep, but Zach can be demanding.”
    “Girl, please, he may rule your world with thunder and lightning, but Zach Savage doesn’t scare me. Besides, I’ve hammered down most of the project details and expect everything to be done by the end of March so that leaves me a clear month to help you with your wedding once I’m back from the IL trip. I’ll be able to devote a clear month to helping you, babe. Don’t sweat it at all.”
    Her face lights up with a smile so radiant, I can’t help but smile in return. But again, I feel that sharp ache in my chest that makes me feel like a bitch.
    We talk wedding shop for another fifteen minutes before she leaves me alone to go get dressed for the day. I know she has a relaxing day of entertaining her remaining guests, but I’ve already made the excuse to return to New York under the pretext of work pressures. For a moment, I feel bad, but then I’m glad I’m not staying, because I don’t think I can face running into Mason Sinclair this morning, in case he hasn’t already left.
    In the clarity of day, my behavior last night seems even more shocking. I’ve had one-night stands before, those which I’ve initiated, and those I’ve gone along with just for the hell of it.
    Last night was different. The intensity of the whole thing is not something I’m familiar with. I want to think it’s my unfamiliarly long abstinence that made me react like I did, but I know it’s not true.
    Something about his intensity drew a response from me that still makes me reel.
    I sit in bed, sipping my coffee, then feel my face heat up as I recall his parting words.
    Your pussy is the best thing I’ve tasted in a long time ... So why hadn’t he gone a step further? I’m not ashamed to say that I’d wanted him to. That I’d have let him fuck me right there on top of his car.
    He’d certainly wanted to. So why hadn’t I pushed?
    I set my cup down and slowly absorb the answer I’ve known for a while. Because I like being in control. Every single one of the men I’ve slept with were carefully

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