Friendship on Fire

Friendship on Fire by Danielle Weiler Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Friendship on Fire by Danielle Weiler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Danielle Weiler
Tags: Young Adult Fiction
    I glared at him.
    â€˜You never called me,’ he said quickly, as if grasping for a new argument.
    I smirked. ‘Why would I bother when you keep snobbing me off in public and then you’re nice to me when it suits you? Anyway, I should never have been asked to call you in the first place. You’re backward. Boys are supposed to do the calling. Or aren’t you experienced enough to know that?’
    I half hoped my sharp words would shrink him until he disappeared.
    He was barely fazed. ‘Whoa, sorry, I’m a little unconventional. If I’d known you’d be so uptight about it, I would have got your number and done it myself.’ He put his hand out. ‘Give it to me then and we’ll try this again.’
    He finished his coaxing with a cocky, crooked smile that made me want to slap him. Then kiss him.
    I stared at his open hand and weighed up the consequences of both courses of action in my head. It was tempting, but so easy for him. I said nothing. So he tried a different tack.
    â€˜Come on Daisy. I didn’t want your brother to go all over-protective on you. I had to suss out what he’s like first.’ He ran a hand through his hair. ‘Can you please trust me? Let me get my footing first and it will all work out.’
    Back up for a minute. ‘What will work out exactly?’ I demanded.
    â€˜Stuff. Look, let’s wait and see what happens. Life isn’t meant to be perfectly planned out. I like to go with the flow. I think you’re interesting, even if you’re kind of cranky. I want to get to know you.’
    The look he gave me with his speech made me feel like I’d played the guilt card for long enough. I gave in.
    â€˜Fine, but I’m not giving you my number.’ I had to relinquish some pride.
    My ears rang. He thinks I’m interesting? Nate was intriguing me more than ever but I got the feeling he would be hard to pin down.
    â€˜Fair enough, I can wear that. No number. We don’t need to talk on the phone. We live close to each other anyway. But, as a show of good faith, how about you let me walk you to school tomorrow, with my little sister? I’m seriously five minutes away. No strings attached.’
    He stood with his hands in his pockets now, looking boyish and charming. It wasn’t exactly an offer of casual sex, so I took it. Maybe I did misjudge him. In my quest to right all the wrongs in the world I often blew up at people too quickly. Frankly, I wanted an excuse to see him again. I was going to get a heap of crap from the Blonde Brigade at school, but who cares?
    And Roman. What about Roman? How do I tell him about this proposition? We had walked to school together since the start of high school. Not every day, but most. Surely he wouldn’t care. He’s always been magnanimous.
    So why did I feel uneasy telling him anything about Nate?

    I texted Roman early the next morning when I woke up to say I wouldn’t be walking with him to school. He wrote back straight away.
No probs. Will you be late to school? Don’t forget we have leadership stuff on 2day.
    I didn’t think I would be late …
No — just helping out a friend. See you in class.
    I wasn’t a very good liar, but it was technically true.
    At eight, I walked to the corner Nate and I agreed to meet on, half expecting him not to show up. And why would he? What did I have to offer that girls at his school didn’t already have in abundance? I bet those Grammar girls were much more interesting than I was, if you know what I mean.
    After scuffing my feet for a while, I looked up. He was already there, but without his little sister. Was this another one of his games? I frowned, putting my hands in my dress pockets.
    â€˜Mum dropped Amelie off early; it’s just us this morning,’ he said, as if reading my mind.
    â€˜Right.’ I stopped in front of him, shrugging under the shoulder straps of

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