Gargoyle's Mate

Gargoyle's Mate by Nia K. Foxx Read Free Book Online

Book: Gargoyle's Mate by Nia K. Foxx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nia K. Foxx
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Paranormal, Interracial, African American, bwwm, shapeshifter
at the concierge station. Feeling guilty, she made three tries, over the remainder of the conference to contact him without success. Knowing Gordy, he was probably pouting and thought his absence would teach her a lesson. Secondly, Lorn had also made himself scarce. There were no more sightings of him at any of the talks and Fatima wondered if he had changed his mind altogether about his ‘research’ project. Unfortunately, Lorn’s assistant arrived on the last day with an itinerary for her overseas voyage. He’d also requested an itemization of materials and personal effects she might need for her work and stay. She spared no expense in her request, taking satisfaction in exercising a little revenge through her list of items. If he had a problem he could simply call the whole thing off and walk away as if their paths had never crossed.
    Fatima was glad when she finally closed the door on her small two-bedroom condo. Its familiar surroundings engulfed her like a welcoming embrace. She plopped down on the overstuffed cushions of her sofa, ignoring the flashing red light of the phone sitting on a side table. She knew she couldn’t avoid the messages for too long because in twenty-four hours she would be heading out on a new flight to New York in preparation for her international journey.
    Whatever reprieve she might have felt was coming to a rapid end and she couldn’t shake the feeling of foreboding fillings its place.
    In his human form, Lorn had already embarked on his private flight to Amsterdam. He was due to arrive after midnight, and would complete the last leg of his trans-Atlantic trek in his gargoyle persona. He relaxed his head against the cushioned headrest, allowing his eyes to drift closed as a picture of Fatima’s beautiful mahogany face assaulted him. He could still feel her lips on his. The soft fullness of her mouth left him craving more. Her scent was a part of him now.
    He wondered how the intimate recesses of her pussy would taste, how she would respond as he drove his tongue into her deliciously warm tightness. He yearned to hear her call out his name in desire as she’d done in her hotel room. Had she thought of him nibbling on her clit while she fondled herself so enthusiastically? His cock grew hard at the idea of what he would do to properly introduce her to the art of lovemaking.
    He was pleased with his decision to request her immediate presence at his home because the urgency he felt to have her was almost overpowering. It had taken his very best efforts not to attempt to see her again before she’d left Michigan. Never had a woman affected him so, which partially reawakened a concern he’d pushed to the back of his mind. How close was he to turning? Departing his current consciousness for the isolated existence of the dark side did not hold any appeal. His thoughts drifted back to the lovely Fatima and a calm settled over his very soul. There was something truly special about this woman.
    Gordy drifted out of a sleep induced haze feeling slightly disoriented.
    A sultry voice greeted him “You’re finally awake.”
    “Is it morning?” he asked.
    “No, my darling, it’s evening.”
    “What?” He sprang up in bed, instantly regretting the sudden movement as a pounding in his head threatened to split his skull open.
    “Easy, my darling, you are not fully well.”
    What? He settled into the satin cushions he hadn’t remembered adorning his hotel bed.
    A nd what the hell was it with this ‘ my darling ’ crap?
    “You must relax, gain your strength.” The soothing quality of her voice seemed to will his tired limbs into submission. Instantly Gordy felt at peace and would’ve drifted back to sleep if it weren’t for the butterfly kisses she trailed down his exposed abdomen. He exhaled slowly when he felt the warm, moist mouth of the woman encircle his cock. The blood rushed to his limp flesh in a sudden injection of desire.
    She moaned as she took him deeper in her mouth.

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