Getting Wound Up: A Sapphire Falls/ Love Between the Bases Novel-- PART THREE

Getting Wound Up: A Sapphire Falls/ Love Between the Bases Novel-- PART THREE by Erin Nicholas Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Getting Wound Up: A Sapphire Falls/ Love Between the Bases Novel-- PART THREE by Erin Nicholas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Nicholas
sorry it had to change,” she said softly. “You were so active, you did so much, you had so much going on.”
    He nodded. “So slowing me down wasn’t such a tragedy really.”
    She gave him a frown. “What?”
    “I had a chance to do a lot. I saw amazing places, tried amazing things. I lived hard and big and loud for a while. Some people never get the chances I had and it has nothing to do with physical ability. I was lucky. I am lucky.”
    Caitlyn shook her head. “You amaze me. You’re in a wheelchair part time and you feel lucky.”
    Bryan shrugged. “I was running out of new stuff to do. And now I don’t even have to leave the house to have an adventure. Climbing stairs is a challenge. It’ll be a while before I feel bored or like things are routine again.”
    Caitlyn couldn’t help but give a little laugh at that. “Like I said, you amaze me.”
    “Have you ever known anything that I tried to do that I didn’t figure out and get good at?” he asked.
    She thought about it. “No, nothing comes to mind. Unless learning to be sensitive and romantic counts. I’m not sure you’ve figured that out.”
    He gave her a very familiar, full-of-himself grin. “I said was there anything I’d tried to do.”
    She laughed again. “Right. Then no, I would say you’ve always figured things out.”
    “Exactly. So leave me alone. Go with Eli. Live your life. Have your adventures. I’ll figure all of this out.”
    She opened her mouth to argue, but then shut it without a word.
    This was Bryan. Larger-than-life Bryan. He’d had a setback in his conquer-the-world plan, but he was right, he’d always been good at the things he cared about.
    Partying, dating gorgeous girls, getting his adrenaline rushes and living on the edge had been the things he cared about. But yeah, he’d been good at all of that.
    And he’d be good at whatever was next.
    “You’re going to need some help,” she said. “You can’t deny that.”
    He nodded. “I am. I’m going to interview some home health workers. I’m going to talk to Ty. And…Mom will be there.”
    Caitlyn sighed. “You sure about that?”
    “I’m sure that it will be an adjustment. But yes, I know she’ll be there.”
    Caitlyn really wanted to believe it.
    “And I’m the best person to help her understand all of this,” he added. “Besides, it will be good practice.”
    That got Caitlyn’s attention. “Practice?”
    “There’s a certain sweet brunette who’s going to need to learn all about what’s going on and that it’s not going to change me or slow me down.”
    Caitlyn knew he was talking about Tessa Sheridan, a local girl who had been a friend and classmate of Bryan and Ty’s. Tess had been a little bit of a nerd in school, but she was sweet and Bryan had always had a soft spot for her. They’d never dated, though Caitlyn had suspected that Tessa had harbored a little crush on Bryan. He’d actually been more like a big brother to her—he’d taught Tess to ice skate, he’d punched the first guy who’d broken her heart, and he’d ignored his own date and danced with Tessa at their freshman Homecoming dance after the guy he’d punched had left with his bloody nose. At least until Bryan had been escorted out by the principal for punching the guy.
    Caitlyn narrowed her eyes. “Does this certain sweet brunette know what she’s in for?”
    “I don’t think the sweet brunette has a clue,” Bryan said.
    His grin told her that he was looking forward to that challenge as well.
    Caitlyn wondered if she should warn Tess.
    “And don’t even think about giving her a hint,” Bryan told her. “Tess deserves to be swept off her feet.”
    Caitlyn lifted an eyebrow. “Wow, that’s kind of romantic sounding.”
    Bryan laughed. “Told you I can get good at anything I care about.”
    Wow, sticking around Sapphire Falls to see Bryan turn into a romantic might be one definite bright side.
    “I’m going to go help Mom.” Caitlyn stretched to her

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